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The role of.... author and his or her copyright.

A biochemist takes.....job with a good company. He or she joins....

laboratory working on her beverages and, along with.....colleagues,

develops... new state for.....fizzy drink. It may go on to be...huge

success, perhaps as popular as Coca-cola, or a dismal failure, but......

production details and.....formula will continue to belong to....

company for whom he or she was working when.... product was

first created. Should that person subsequently leave.....company,

...... recipe will stay behind.

Publishers, on.....other hand, have to deal with individual creators.

Every manuscript they consider enjoys copyright owner by.........

author (unless.....author is.....employee and creates.... work in.....

course of employment);......book has been written or prepared by

that person, and he or she has enforceable rights over its future.

7. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

.....1992 nearly 79000 new books and new editions were published

.... the UK. Even a smallish bookshop, if computerized, will probably

have as many stock items.....its records as a large supermarket. Yet

there are relatively few strongly identifiable brands to divide.... this output. Back in 1980 the Lost sales Survey found that half the

unsatisfied demand it identified was the result.....too many books....

circulation, insufficiently differentiated.

There seems to be unanimity.....the fact that there are too many

books, so what can be done about it? Several publishing houses have made firm commitments to reduce their output. Removing long-term

not commercial propositions.....the lists will save money, as the

reduction.... costs.......non-production will outweigh the loss......

sales revenue But......many companies basic expenses (......example,

building rental, staff overheads,) are based on existing sales levels, and as management will be reluctant to see those sales revenues drop,

they may conclude that the margins.....the other titles produced

must be improved. This means that,.....each title published, more

......the print run must be sold and/or discounts.....the trade must be


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