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Составьте предложения из предложенных слов

1) Rostov-on-Don, because of, 1915, to, was transferred, the, University, World War I, in.

2) Current, is, enrolment, about, the, SFU, 50,000, at, students.

3) Southern Federal University, academic, the, staff, of, high, scientific, and, has, potential, teaching.

4) At, tests, of, the, take, semester, the, end, students, and, each, exams.

5) Degrees, the, receive, Bachelor’s, graduates, Master’s, and.


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The history of Rostov State University.

Four leading State Higher Professional Institutions.

SFU an educational, scientific, research, and development unit.

The course of study at the University.


The history of Southern Federal University dates back to 1869 when the Russian Imperial University was founded in Warsaw, Poland. In 1915 it was transferred to Rostov-on-Don because of World War I.

On May, 24th 2007 four leading State Higher Professional Institutions in the South of Russia – Rostov State University, Rostov Architecture and Art Academy, Rostov Pedagogical University, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering – were incorporated in Southern Federal University.

SFU consists of 36 faculties and 206 departments and comprises 70 Research Departments. SFU offers courses of studies in 80 programmes and courses of postgraduate studies. The current enrolment is about 50,000 students. The teaching staff of SFU has high scientific and academic potential.

The course of study at the University is split into 4 academic years if one takes day classes for Bachelor’s Degree, and 6 academic years for Master’s Degree. It also takes 6 years for those studying through evening and correspondence courses. After graduating from the University, the graduates receive Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. Those who took a five-year course receive Diplomas of higher education. Academic Boards are accredited by the state to award Candidate and Doctoral Degrees in a number of specializations.

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