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Remember the Following Words. Use them in the sentences of your own


Carpentry столярное дело
Fishing рыбная ловля
Gardening садоводство
Hiking туризм, путешествие пешком
Model making изготовление моделей
Needlework шитье; вышивание, рукоделие
Numismatics нумизматика
Painting рисование
Amateur любитель
Amateur actor (actress) участник любительских спектаклей
Amateur angler рыболов-любитель
Amateur photographer фотограф-любитель
Autograph автограф
Badge значок
Butterfly бабочка
Coin монета
Herbarium гербарий
Label этикетка
Reproduction репродукция
Postcard открытка
Album альбом
Catalogue каталог
Set серия (марок)
Stamp марки
Dancing society кружок танцев
Debating society дискуссионный клуб
Dramatic society драматический кружок
English-speaking club кружок английской разговорной речи
Radio club радиокружок
Sports club спортклуб
Camera фотоаппарат
Device аппарат, прибор
Film пленка, фотопленка
Finishing-line леска
Finishing-rod удочка


3. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. Many boys are interested … computers.

2. Our collection is housed … the most famous museum of the city.

3. Doing things includes everything … gardening … traveling..

4. My collection started … a small way … 2 or 3 coins.

5. Some people prefer going … museums and art galleries.

6. Let’s divide our stamp collection … 4 parts.


4. Paraphrase the sentences, using the words: to be keen on, according to, a

painter, hobby, discover, to differ, to appear, to be close to, spare, exciting.

  1. As our teacher says, we should take care of animals.
  2. She is fond of collecting coins.
  3. The book was so interesting that I read it in two days.
  4. They are brothers but they don’t look alike at all.
  5. My father reads a lot of newspapers. He is interested in political news.
  6. The metro station is quite near our university.
  7. In her free time she likes to make dresses for her daughter.
  8. Columbus wanted to find a new way to India but instead of it he opened a new continent.
  9. He came up suddenly, when nobody expected him.
  10. Russia is famous for its great writers and artists.


5. Answer the following questions:


1. What is a hobby?

2. Does your life become more interesting if you have a hobby? Why?

3. What kind of hobbies do you know?

4. What is your hobby?

5. Why do new hobbies appear?

6. Do you think your hobby helped you to choose your future profession.


6. Read and translate the dialogue. Dramatize it.

- What is your hobby, Peter?

- I collect books published in the 18th century.

- How very interesting! Have you got many in your collections?

- There are almost eight hundred of them.

- Quite a number, I should say. I wonder whether you manage to read them all.

- In a way yes, but reading is not essential. It’s the process of collecting that matters.

- I see. As for me, I like sports and games, my parents prefer gardening and my grandfather enjoys carpentry, just making shelves, boxes, stools and so on.

- Tastes differ.


7. Read and say: what is the most popular hobby with the Englishmen.

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