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Exercises. 1. Before reading the dialogue look through the topical vocabulary and try to remember it


1. Before reading the dialogue look through the topical vocabulary and try to remember it.


opera house – оперный театр

dramatic theatre – драматический театр

drama – драма, opera - опера, ballet – балет

play, performance – игра, спектакль

matinee – утренний спектакль

evening performance – вечерний спектакль

production - постановка

director – режиссер-постановщик

scenery - декорации

cast – состав исполнителей

leading role – ведущая роль

acting – игра, исполнение

stalls -партер

orchestra stalls – передние ряды партера

centre stalls – места в середине партера

rear stalls – задние ряды партера

to sit in the stalls – сидеть в партере

on the front rows – в передних рядах

on the back rows – в задних рядах

on the balcony – на балконе

in the box – в ложе

dress circle - бельэтаж

pit - амфитеатр

stage – сцена (подмостки)

to book seats – заказать билеты

to buy tickets in the box-office – купить билеты в театральной кассе

to prefer smth. to smth. – предпочитать что-то чему -то

to adore smth. – обожать что-то

to be deeply impressed by smth. – находиться под глубоким впечатлением

to be wonderful, excellent, beautiful, thrilling, exciting – быть чудесным, отличным, красивым, захватывающим, волнующим

to be popular with – быть популярным

to be on – идти, быть в репертуаре

to be a success – пользоваться успехом

to be at one’s best – быть в ударе

to be a failure – провалиться (о спектакле)


2. Read the dialogue and reproduce it.


- I say, Nick, would you like to go to the opera house next Sunday? I’ve already

booked seats by telephone.

- Thank you very much but I’d rather go to the dramatic theatre.

- Why so? Do you prefer drama and opera to the ballet?

- Nothing of the kind. I adore ballet. Just recently I’ve seen the famous ballet Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky.

- Really? Was it a matinee or an evening performance?

- An evening performance. Oh, the ballet was wonderful. I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage.

- An excellent production, wasn’t it? And who was the director?

- I don’t know but the scenery and costumes were beautiful and the music was thrilling.

- Did you like the cast? Who was the main dancer?

- Maksimova. She is very popular.

- Where were your seats? Were they in the centre stalls?

- No, we had seats in the dress circle but we could see the stage well.

- OK, then. We’ll visit the dramatic theatre next time.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. Are you a theatre-fan? How often do you go to the theatre? Do you prefer evening performances to matinees or matinees to evening performances?

2. Do you prefer opera to ballet or ballet to opera? Why? Who is your favourite opera singer? Ballet dancer?

3. What kinds of theatres are there in your town?

4. What is on at the … theatre? Who is in the cast?

5. Where do you like to sit at the theatre? What are the most expensive seats? the cheapest seats?

6. Do you usually buy tickets at the box-office or book them by phone?

7. Who is your favourite theatre actor (actress)?

8. Is she (he) at her (his) best?

9. When did you go to the drama theatre last?

10. What play did you see? Was it a success?

11. Who played the leading role in it?

12. Who was the director of the play?


4. Respond to the following, using:

Yes, of course. Certainly. Not at all. Not in the least. With pleasure. Do, please. Please, don’t.


1. May I take your programme?

2. Will we go to the foyer?

3. May I use your opera glasses?

4. Don’t you think the play is a bit dull?

5. Would you mind going to a matinee on Sunday?

6. Will we take Peter to the theatre?

7. Will you book seats beforehand?

8. Do you mind sitting in the dress circle?

9. Can you let me have two seats in the centre stalls?

10. Are you greatly impressed by the play?


5. Ask your group mate and let him (her) answer:

… if he (she) is a regular theatre-goer

… if he (she) likes the theatre better than the cinema

… what his (her) favourite theatre is

… if it is difficult to get tickets to this theatre

… where he (she) usually sits

… what plays are to his (her) taste

… what play he (she) saw last

… if it was a great success with the public


6. Make up your own dialogues on the topic «Theatre»

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