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Exercises. on week-days, I am not so quick to leave my bed, morning jerks, I am not short of time, to prepare for my next day’s lessons

  1. Translate the words and phrases.


a) into Russian:


on week-days, I am not so quick to leave my bed, morning jerks, I am not short of time, to prepare for my next day’s lessons, take a short rest, go to bed.


b) into English:


делать прическу, легкий и быстрый завтрак, стирать пыль с мебели, немного поболтать, столовая, любительский ансамбль, засыпать, к концу дня, чувствовать усталость.


  1. Read the text and find:

a) the beginning of the sentences:


1. … I am not an early riser.

2. … have a bath or a shower, clean my teeth and do my hair.

3. … so my breakfast is usually light and quick.

4. … I feel very tired by the end of the day.

5. … I am not an exception, of course.


b) the end of the sentences:


1. Fresh air, morning jerks and good music…

2. The hostel is not far from it, …

3. Our classes begin at 8 sharp, …

4. When dinner is over I go to the reading-room…

5. For supper I have…


  1. Make up sentences from the words and phrases.


1. To the music, do, morning, my, exercises, I.

2. To get, me, it, 15 minutes, to the university, takes.

3. Go, and, have, to the refectory, I, after classes, 3-course dinner.

4. To the reading-room, to prepare, go, I, the next day’s lessons, for my.

5. Take, have, at home, I, a snack, rest, a short, and.

6. Usually, my, light, breakfast, is, and, quick.

7. I, asleep, usually, at once, very tired, fall, feel, as, I, of the day, by the end.

8. I, singing group, twice, take part, a week, in the, amateur.

9. Go, on foot, to the University, take, sometimes, I, or, a bus.

10. Neither, inclination, I, nor, to cook, breakfast, time, have, substantial.

4. Put questions to the underlined words.


1. After classes I go to the refectory.

2. It takes me 15 minutes to get to the University.

3. At home I have a snack and take a short rest.

4. Usually I fall asleep at once as I feel very tired by the end of the day.

5. I open the window wide to let the fresh air in.

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