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Active Vocabulary. Read and translate the text




Read and translate the text.


I have a family. My family is large. Our family consists of 8 members. It’s a large family according to the modern standards. I have a mother, a father, a grandmother, a grandfather, one sister and two brothers.

My father is an agronomist on a big collective farm not far from Moscow. He is a very busy man. He has much work in spring, in summer and in the fall. My father is 53 years old. He looks for his age. He is the head of the family.

My mother is 4 years my father junior. She looks younger for her age. She is 49. She is an economist on the same farm. She is fond of her work. My mother keeps the house and looks after the children. My parents have an apartment in a big house in the center of the village.

I have an elder sister. She is 27. She looks for her age. She is married and has 2 children – a boy and a girl. My sister is a teacher at school, and her husband is an engineer.

My brother is a student of the Timiryasev Agricultural Academy. He is a second-year student of the Agronomy Department. He is going to become an agronomist like his father. He is not married. He is 19.

My younger brother is a schoolboy. He is of school age. He is 11. He is fond of mathematics and would like to become an engineer.

I have my grandparents: a grandfather and a grandmother. They are pensioners, but they are still full of life and energy.

I’m a student of the Orel State Agrarian University. All the members of our family are on friendly terms with one another.


Active Vocabulary


a close relative - близкий родственник

to be over 40 - за 40 лет

to resemble smb. - быть похожим на к-л

the head of the family - глава семьи

to keep the house - вести хозяйство

a handsome man - симпатичный мужчина

to have much (little, nothing) in common - иметь много (мало, ничего) общего

to be married to (to be divorced) - быть женатым (быть разведенным)

to respect smb. - уважать к-л.

to be fond of - увлекаться ч-л.

a middle-aged man - мужчина средних лет

to look young for smb’s age - выглядеть молодо для своего возраста

to look younger for smb’s age - выглядеть моложе своего возраста

the pet of the family - любимчик семьи

an attractive (good-looking) woman - привлекательная (миловидная) женщина

a busy-looking woman (business-woman) - женщина, выглядящая по-деловому

to be of the same (different) age - быть одного возраста

to look after the children (to take care of the children) - присматривать за детьми (заботиться о детях)

to be on friendly terms with smb - быть в дружеских отношениях с к-л.

to be going to do smth.- собираться что-л. сделать


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