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Ex. 1 Read the text. Oren Ambarchi stretches instruments’ boundaries, drawing shouts and moans out of everything from electric guitars to wine glasses

Oren Ambarchi stretches instruments’ boundaries, drawing shouts and moans out of everything from electric guitars to wine glasses. For his first gig in Russia, the Australian musician is playing a solo guitar set – but don’t expect his avantgarde style to go anywhere.

The show will be “almost like a solo variation of my piece ‘Knots,’” he said in an e-mail interview. “Knots,” which lasts 33 minutes and 32 seconds, grows from a simple beginning with a steady cymbal rhythm to a distorted soundscape.

Born in Sydney to Iraqi Jewish parents, Ambarchi made his musical debut in the late ’80s as a jazz drummer.

A prolific musician, Ambarchi has several dozen records to his name and has performed with a wide variety of artists, including drone doom band Sunn O and Hungarian black metal singer Attila Csihar. For the past few years, he said, he’s explored the contrast between rhythms and abstract, textured sounds.

Ambarchi’s material is stylistically diverse, featuring elements of rock, noise, avant-garde jazz and even neoclassical music. The musician himself doesn’t have a definition for his music.

On his 2012 album “Audience of One,” Ambarchi incorporated unconventional instruments such as wine glasses. He also invited other musicians to record with him. “When I work on my own, I tend to become really obsessive about all the details and self-critical about every element,” he said, adding that working with other artists on the album was “very liberating.”

“It allowed me to be looser with the material and allow things to happen in a more organic, natural way,” he said. “This recent development is very exciting for me.”

Among his wide repertoire of instruments, he says he doesn’t have a favourite. “There’s so much to explore from each instrument,” he said. “I love working with different colors and textures when I record in the studio, so I’m happy to grab whatever instrument is around that can help me shape a piece of music.”


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