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Ex. 1 Read the text. Brad Pitt was the undoubted star in the Moscow International Film Festival’s first few days, as he drew crowds and kept an impatient director Nikita Mikhalkov

Brad Pitt was the undoubted star in the Moscow International Film Festival’s first few days, as he drew crowds and kept an impatient director Nikita Mikhalkov waiting on the red carpet at the opening.

More than 360 films will be shown at the festival, and a smattering of foreign stars are expected. Christian Slater was a host at the opening ceremony and Gerard Depardieu will be at the closing, which features his film “Rasputin.”

Pitt, in town to promote his new zombie disaster movie, “World War Z,” was undeniably the star attraction, with not only fans and local actresses, but also female journalists lining up to have their picture taken with him.

As the star turn, Pitt was the last to arrive. Mikhalkov grew visibly impatient as Pitt’s journey from the edge of Pushkin Square took longer and longer as he stopped to speak to fans and then the eager press. Meanwhile, the sound of an announcer asking people to sit down for the start of the opening ceremony continually blared onto the square.

After signaling with his hands for Pitt to be hurried up, Mikhalkov eventually went down to meet the big draw.

The last time Pitt was in Moscow was in 1997, said fashion critic EvelinaKhromchenko, for a Marie Claire event. But “he was with Gwyneth then,” she said referring to his then-girlfriend, Gwyneth Paltrow.

The first Moscow Film Festival took place in 1935, headed by Sergei Eisenstein, but only returned to the capital again in 1959. It has taken place annually since 1999, with Mikhalkov, the head of the Filmmakers Union, as its titular figure.

It’s unlikely that Mikhalkov’s father would have taken to the opening film either, a blockbuster in which Pitt plays a UN employee trying to save the world from zombies.

In the original version, Russia enslaves thousands and forces them to fight and kill zombies with weapons called lobos or lobotomizers, the magazine reported.

Despite those lobos, “World War Z” director Marc Forster told The Moscow News the best way to kill a zombie – with a crowbar. The more traditional Russian axe is no good, he said, “as it gets stuck in the head.”


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