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Ex. 1 Read the text. Larry King, the legendary U.S

Larry King, the legendary U.S. television talk show host, 25-year veteran of cable news and self-professed fan of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is coming to Kremlin-funded English-language Russian news channel RT, the network announced Wednesday along with digital network Ora TV, in a move likely to raise more than a few eyebrows in the United States.

Beginning next month on RT America, “Politics with Larry King” will air weekly and “Larry King Now” will air four times a week, Mondays through Thursdays. Both shows will also be streamed online at Hulu.com and Ora.tv, which was founded by King and began producing “Larry King Now” last year.

King has been an American radio and television host for more than 50 years, including a quarter-century with CNN where he was known for landing big name guests, a riveting interview style and his quirky suspenders.

But the move is attracting attention in part because of RT’s reputation for being anti-American. Also known as Russia Today, it launched in 2005 as part of an effort in Moscow to improve Russia’s global image.

RT was the focus of a 2010 report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a non-profit civil rights organization that investigates hate groups in the United States.

The report said RT “has devoted considerable airtime not only to coverage that makes Russia look good, but to coverage that makes the United States look bad.” It found RT reported on conspiracy theories with “zeal,” and “frequently quotes US extremists as authorities on world events or interviews them at length without asking anything more than softball questions.”

In a statement to the SPLC, which was included in its report, Simonyan dismissed the criticism and said RT’s editorial policy is “open and balanced.”

RT has a bureau of 70 people in Washington, including some former staffers from CNN and NBC News, and is available to 630 million viewers worldwide, according to its website.


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