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Complete the following sentences choosing the best ending

1. The Spanish government is trying to achieve

a) high quality of all Spanish products.

b) an increase in clothing sales.

c) a change in the textile industry.

2. Tо show their advances the Spanish

a) hold exhibitions and shows.

b) send designers abroad.

c) invite foreign designers.

3. The Spanish fashion industry lacks

a) talented designers.

b) support from French designers.

c) government money.

4. The people involved in fashion are afraid of

a) strong competition.

b) not having creative designers.

c) not having enough money for the industry to expand.

5. Some fashion designers started

a) to open shops in Europe.

b) to open big shops throughout Spain.

c) to obtain financing for exporting their products.

6. Fashion businesses find it hard to expand because

a) they are too small.

b) their clothes are too expensive.

c) there are few industries wanting to expand.


4. Using the following words and word combinations express the main idea of each paragraph. Add your own words where appropriate.

1. The Spanish government, to promote fashion sector, international market.

2. To support fashion industry, to hold special events, to set up organizations, projects.

3. To create favourable conditions, lack of experience, better chances, in collaboration with.

4. To open salons, studios, shops, to export, growth and expansion.

5. Designer, products, to create a good image, be able to compete.


5. Put jumbled sentences in the logical order to sum up the contents of the text.

1. Original high quality Spanish designer products can well conquer the international market.

2. The government is doing its best to create favourable conditions for fashion designers.

3. To be successful Spanish fashion industry has to get more funding.

4. People in fashion are to promote their products on international markets.

5. It is easier to develop the fashion sector in Italy and France.

6. Fashion industry in Spain cannot be considered a flourishing one.

7. Fashion designers are attempting to change the situation for the better.

Date: 2015-10-19; view: 569; Нарушение авторских прав; Помощь в написании работы --> СЮДА...

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