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Post-reading tasks. Now that you have read the text think of a proper title to the text or choose from the ones given below


Now that you have read the text think of a proper title to the text or choose from the ones given below. Motivate your choice.

a) The tragedy that could have been avoided.

b) Hirochima: pain and tears.

c) The history of atomic bomb.


Choose the synonyms to the given words according to the context. Reproduce the sentence from the text with the synonym chosen.


to yield a) to lose b) to turn out c) to give d) to test

casualties a)accidents b) disasters c) events d) killed and injured

target a) aim b) site c) spot d) objective

to prove a) to confirm b) to test c) to appear d) to demonstrate


Complete the following sentences choosing the best ending.

1. An atomic bomb was first used as an act of war in

a) Hiroshima.

b) New Mexico.

c) Nagasaki.

d) The United States.


2. The decree to drop the bomb was issued on

a) August 6th 1945.

b) July 25th 1945.

c) July 16th 1945.

d) August 9th 1945.


3. Little Boy DID NOT generate

a) a sudden flash of light.

b) a blast of hot air.

c) extensive damage to Hiroshima.

d) 69,000 deaths.


4. Hiroshima was chosen to be bombed because

a) it was easy to concentrate on.

b) it was the largest city in Japan.

c) it was easy to destroy.

d) many military bases were located there.


5. 'Fat Man'

a) caused a greater number of deaths than 'Little Boy'.

b) damaged a larger area than 'Little Boy'.

c) was less powerful than 'Little Boy'.

d) was the first atomic bomb ever used in warfare.


6. Most of the Hiroshima inhabitants suffered from

a) radiation poisoning.

b) deep wounded cuts.

c) burns.

d) injuries caused by machinery.


7. It was not mentioned in the text that

a) the bombings did not need to happen.

b) we should all remember those who died.

c) such bombings should never happen again.

d) the war ended thanks to the bombings.

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