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Concluding a deal


I. Write down some words and expressions from the film.


1. To give somebody commitment – to be committed or devoted to somebody; e.g. I have given the company 100% commitment.

2. Way round / around / out – a possible method of solving a problem or difficult situation; e.g. I just do not see any way round it but addressing the police.

3. Release mechanism – a mechanism which has a handle, button etc that can be pressed to allow part of a machine to move.

4. Early on – on an early stage of work, career etc; e.g. You did make a few mistakes, especially early on, but now it’s okay with you.

5. To go along with – to agree with or support someone or something; e.g. They were happy to go along with our suggestions.

6. Bonus – money added to someone’s wages, especially as a reward for good work; e.g. People who stay more than two years in the job receive a special bonus.

7. To overcome – to control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving something; e.g. He struggled to overcome his shyness.

8. Token – sign, evidence, guarantee, symbol, something that represents a feeling, fact, event etc: a token of your gratitude / respect / appreciation etc; e.g. Please accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation.

Please translate from Russian into English:

знак благодарности – a token of gratitude;

в знак примирения – in token of reconciliation / reconcilement.

Черный кот перебежал дорогу –это плохая примета.

Пусть этот сувенир всегда напоминает вам о нашей дружбе.

Примите этот маленький подарок в знак нашего уважения и благодарности.


II. Translate the new vocabulary into Russian.


III. Watch the film for the 1st time.


IV. Give a proper Russian interpretation of the following sentences and phrases from the film. Try and avoid over-literal rendering.


1. I have given the company 100% commitment. – Я был предан компании на 100%.

2. I know how you feel. – Я тебя понимаю.

3. I do value your contribution. – Я очень ценю твой вклад.

4. That’s not the point. – Не в этом дело.

5. The draft contract – проект контракта.

6. You’ve covered packaging, insurance, late delivery penalties. – Ты отразил (в контракте) вопросы упаковки, страхования, штрафных санкций за нарушение сроков поставки.

7. Well done! – Молодец!

8. Can we have a chat? – Могу я с тобой переговорить?

9. A proposal that could benefit both of us – предложение, которое будет выгодно для нас обоих.

10. Particularly I want you to look at the interface between the release mechanism and the scanner. – Я бы хотела, чтобы вы обратили особое внимание на взаимодействие между пусковым механизмом и сканером.

11. I have been through this many times. – Я много раз пытался это сделать.

12. If you could just bear for me a second … – И все-таки, не могли бы вы уделить мне минуту вашего внимания…?

13. I wanted to find a way forward and I think I have. – Я хотела найти какой-нибудь выход из этого тупика, и, думаю, я нашла его.

14. The scanner does not need to be powered from the same source. – Необязательно, чтобы у сканера был тот же источник питания.

15. Aren’t you happy here? – Тебе здесь не нравится?

16. I feel I’ve made good progress here over the last six months. –
Я считаю, что сильно продвинулся вперед за последние шесть месяцев.

17. Early on – на начальном этапе.

18. I’m sure Kate goes along with that. – Я уверен, что Кэйт того же мнения.

19. Let’s be open here. – Будем откровенны. / Давай поговорим начистоту.

20. I want to look at the whole package. – Я бы хотел обсудить сразу все.

21. Performance related bonus – премия за успешную работу.

22. A company charge card – корпоративная кредитная карточка.

23. An expense account – счет на накладные расходы.

24. We are in a position to move forward with this project. – Мы можем продолжить работу над проектом.

25. Outstanding contribution – выдающийся / бесценный вклад.

26. She has worked very hard to find a solution to what seemed an impossible problem. – Она много поработала, чтобы найти решение проблемы, которая казалась неразрешимой.

27. Mark 2 is a very exciting concept. – Концепция второй модели очень интересна.

28. I think I am worth the salary. – Думаю, что я достоин хорошей зарплаты.

29. Could you be more precise? – А нельзя ли чуть поточнее?

30. If you make your targets. – Если ты будешь справляться со своими задачами.

31. If you make that a 17% salary increase … – Если ты увеличишь зарплату на 17% …

32. We very much appreciate your efforts to make this product possible. – Мы очень признательны тебе за твои усилия, благодаря которым этот проект состоялся.

33. I have a small token of our gratitude which I would like you to have. – У меня есть маленький сувенир, который я хочу подарить тебе в знак нашей благодарности.

34. I said the salary increase was conditional on you making a concession on the car. – Я же сказал, что условием увеличения зарплаты была твоя уступка в вопросе о машине.

35. Now let’s go through these points once more. – Теперь давай пройдем по всем этим пунктам снова.


V. Watch the film for the 2nd time.


VI. Answer some questions on the film.


1. What made Derek Jones remind Clive Harris of the duration of his work for Bibury Systems?

2. In my humble opinion, no product is worth resigning. How do you feel?

3. What did Clive Harris intend to do to prove his appreciation of Derek’s contribution?

4. Could you enumerate (after Don Bradley) the items covered by Edward in the draft contract? (packaging, insurance, terms of payment, late delivery penalties).

5. What kind of chat was Edward going to have with Don?

6. What technical issue did Ms. Wong make a focus on?

7. Did Derek Jones admit Ms. Wong would say anything reasonable, or did he take a rather dim view of simplifying the interface?

8. Why did he feel pessimistic?

9. Could you please give a general outline of the gist of Ms. Wong’s proposal?

10. Did Derek reject the idea?

11. Do you think 6 months of working for a company are a sufficient term to ask for any promotion?

12. How did Don appraise the performance of his subordinate?

13. Was Edward interested in any fringe benefits besides a salary rise? (“Fringe benefits” mean extra privileges a company can grant to their employees.)

14. Could you make this point more precise? (The entire package included a higher salary, performance-related bonus, a company charge card, an expense account, a company car and a more responsible position.)

15. Does Edward appear to be an impudent guy to you? Why?

16. What is your attitude to the following quotation from “Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov? “Never ask for anything. People themselves will offer and give it to you.” Do you always follow this rule?

17. Can we say Don Bradley was flabbergasted (or amazed) to hear the above requirements?

18. Not to violate the film’s chronological order, let’s recall what was happening at the meeting with Ms. Wong. What did Sally Wong congratulate Bibury Systems’ executives on?

19. What did Clive Harris thank her for?

20. Let us come back again to Don and Edward. Could Edward obtain both a car and salary rise, plus performance-related bonus, or did he have to sacrifice anything?

21. Edward said, “I think I am worth the salary.” Does it seem to be a good response?

22. What kind of option was offered to Edward in respect of a bonus and salary? (The larger a performance-related bonus was, the smaller a salary increase was.)

23. Could you make it more precise? (Don offered a 15% increase in salary + an extra 5% on the bonus figure, which was going to amount to a 40% increase the following year.)

24. Please continue the idea: Don could give Edward all those benefits provided that Edward … (made his targets.)

25. Was Edward satisfied, or did he go further? (a 17% salary rise).

26. What did Clive Harris do to thank Sally Wong for her cooperation?

27. What is the difference, in your viewpoint, between a gift and a bribe?

28. Are gifts subject to taxation?

29. If you were Edward, would you have enough guts to ask for a car after a salary and bonus rise?

30. What do you think about the proverb “Impudence brings success”?

31. How do you evaluate the latest words of Edward: “You taught me everything I know, Don”? A bit of subtle flattery never hurts, doesn’t it?

32. Now when the video educational course “Starting business English” is over, what can you say about it all in all?

33. Has it enriched you with any helpful knowledge, new vocabulary, practical skills, ability to understand native-speakers’ English etc? So you think the time was not wasted, don’t you?

34. Do you feel certain that you won’t get lost in the situations shown in the film when you encounter them yourselves?[20]


VII. Form a dialogue on the topic “Concluding a deal” or “Negotiating promotion”. The latter topic is more difficult psychologically but it can turn out to be more functional in your career history.




Programme 1. INTRODUCING YOURSELF......................................... 3

Programme 2. ANSWERING THE TELEPHONE.................................. 5

Programme 3. MAKING APPOINTMENTS........................................... 8

Programme 4. RECEIVING VISITORS.................................................. 10


Programme 6. MAKING TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS........................ 17

Programme 7. STAYING AT A HOTEL................................................. 20


Programme 9. EXPLAINING HOW SOMETHING WORKS................. 27


Programme 11. ANALYZING YOUR COMPETITORS......................... 33


Programme 13. TRAVELLING ON BUSINESS..................................... 40

Programme 14. PRESENTING A PRODUCT........................................ 43

Programme 15. ENTERTAINING VISITORS........................................ 48


Programme 17. COMPARING PRODUCTS AND PRICES................... 55

Programme 18. NEGOTIATING PRICES............................................... 60

Programme 19. NEGOTIATING DELIVERY......................................... 63

Programme 20. CONCLUDING A DEAL............................................... 67


[1] New vocabulary is recommendable to be introduced as homework before the class you actually deal with the film.

[2] The number of stages varies from 4 to 11 according to different sources.

[3] See VI.1 of the questionnaire.

[4] If you are running out of time in class, tasks on enhancing the material can be given as homework.

[5] A teacher can diversify this work with extra activities, like interpreting the stuff from English into Russian or vice versa at random with all the students’ notes closed etc.

[6] This assignment is optional and can be given as homework, especially if the group has coped with the previous task in class.

[7] It might be expedient to dictate it and give some time to the class to think a little and write down the best translation of this complicated sentence.

[8] A teacher could have asked students at the stage of introducing the film’s vocabulary to bring some product to class to explain how it works afterwards. Alternatively, a teacher could bring several products himself or herself to be given to students for further explanation of how they are handled. Depending on the group’s level, they can range from a baby’s soother to a complicated electronic gadget like an advanced mobile.

[9] It is advisable to give the group a minute to think and write over the idea. The meaning appears to be “If you can’t stand competition, get out of the market.”

[10] Draw the group's attention to the lack of preposition after both “to affect” and “to influence”, unlike their Russian («влиять на») or Belarusian («уплываць на») equivalents. However they say “to have an influence on. ”

[11] At this point a teacher could bring up the subject of emphatic constructions that are used to assert the information, in particular cleft sentences. Besides “ It’s + subject + that ” one can introduce the construction “relative clause + is + subject”; e.g. “What irritates me most of all is his obtrusiveness”. Should the audience be interested, a teacher might also tell about fronted topic, inversion, intensifying adverbs and connecting expressions of highlight. (N. Brieger and S. Sweeney. The Language Of Business English. Grammar And Functions. – Unit 77).

[12] «Невольно напрашивается вопрос». Item 16 is optional but good to work on the words “temptation” and “to tempt” as well as to get students speak impromptu.

[13] This task is likely to be given as homework since you can have too little time in class to do it. Besides, your students will probably need to have a product or its picture to refer to.

[14] Buffet (also “buffet table”, “buffet lunch/supper”) – фуршет.

[15] You might state that one more verb that is used to convey the same idea is “to bargain”. For example, “People tend to bargain at seasonal markets in our country, yet you can hardly ever do it in shops and boutiques.”

[16] To make this sentence sound comprehensible enough, the underlined element must also be stressed with the intonation. One more example of this kind to be given to students is the infinitive construction “like + to infinitive”, for example “He likes to brush his teeth”: «Он предпочитает чистить зубы». Without emphasizing «чистить» the sentence itself is deprived of sense.

[17] To translate it this way, one should know the context, so you might draw your students’ attention to the importance of analyzing the context while conveying any idea from a foreign language into a native one or vice versa.

[18] A teacher can write the relevant quotation on the board to ease the task for students, or just reiterate the quotation using the video script.

[19] The Incoterms – International Commercial Terms, the international system of delivery terms stipulating the obligations that are assumed by a Seller and a Buyer for the transportation of a contractual cargo, and ranging from EXW (maximum Buyer’s responsibility) till DDP (maximum Seller’s responsibility).

[20] Items 32 to 34 are optional. They are advisable to be dealt with only if the group has worked on all or most Units of the film.

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