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Negotiating delivery


I. Write down some words and expressions from the film.


1. Mark – a particular type of a car, machine etc; e.g. The Mark 4 gun is much more powerful than the old Mark 3.

2. A premium price – a price that is higher than usual, especially because there is not much of something available.

3. To adjourn – if a meeting or law court adjourns, or if the person in charge adjourns it, it finishes or stops for a short time; e.g. The chairman adjourned the meeting for 3 days.

4. To have an argument – this expression is used to describe a situation in which two or more people disagree, often angrily; e.g. They were having an argument about the children.

5. Deadlock – a situation in which a disagreement cannot be settled; e.g. The talks have reached a complete deadlock.

6. Resignation – the act of resigning (that is officially and permanently leaving your job or position because you want to), or a written statement to say that you are doing this; e.g. You have the choice between resignation and dismissal.


II. Translate the new vocabulary into Russian.


III. Watch the film for the 1st time.


IV. Give an adequate Russian interpretation of the following sentences and phrases from the film. Try and avoid over-literal rendering.


1. To keep our margins – чтобы продолжать работать с такой же маржей.

2. We’ve done the research. – Мы изучали этот вопрос.

3. It is a genuine breakthrough. – Это настоящий прорыв.

4. We have to take a chance with it. – Мы должны рискнуть.

5. The rental agreement – договор о прокате.

6. Get the best deal you can. – Договорись о самых выгодных условиях.

7. I am sick of this. – Мне это уже надоело.

8. It still isn’t working properly. – Он по-прежнему плохо работает.

9. What is the soonest you can deliver? – Какой самый ранний срок поставки?

10. As you have been so understanding over the question of price, … – Так как вы проявили столько понимания в вопросе о цене, …

11. I’d rather have everything delivered by the end of May. – Меня бы больше устроило, если бы все было поставлено к концу мая.

12. We are delighted that … – Мы очень рады, что …

13. And I’d like to add one extra item, if I may. – И я бы хотела добавить еще один пункт, если позволите.

14. Could we discuss the question of exchange procedures after item four, which looks at general payment conditions? – Могли бы мы обсудить вопрос о процедуре обмена валют после пункта четыре, в котором рассматриваются общие условия оплаты?

15. Would you like to outline your position on the first item on the agenda? – Не могли бы вы поделиться с нами своими соображениями по первому пункту повестки дня?

16. When we look at this question – при рассмотрении этого вопроса.

17. At the latest – самое позднее.

18. I’m sorry, but that just isn’t good enough. – Простите, но этого недостаточно.

19. We think this is a very exciting project. – Мы считаем, что это очень интересный проект.

20. At this price our margin is unacceptable. – При такой цене у нас не будет прибыли.

21. We have covered all the items on the agenda. – Мы обсудили все пункты сегодняшней повестки дня.

22. He didn’t sound very happy. – Он говорил не слишком весело.

23. I’d suggest that you wait. – Я бы посоветовала тебе подождать.

24. Hold all my calls. – Отвечай на все мои телефонные звонки.

25. That was an interesting journey: twenty minutes of total silence. – Это была увлекательная поездка: ни одного слова за двадцать минут.

26. You are being unreasonable. – Ты ведешь себя неразумно.

27. Why won’t you move on fourteen? – Почему же ты не согласился на четырнадцать?

28. We have been through this. – Мы это уже обсуждали.

29. We have agreed our negotiating position. – Мы согласовали нашу тактику на переговорах.

30. We aren’t offering any flexibility. – Мы не идем ни на какие компромиссы.

31. I can’t accept that. – Я не могу с этим согласиться.

32. What are you saying? – Что ты хочешь этим сказать?

33. That’s ridiculous. – Это смешно.

34. Sleep on it and we’ll talk in the morning. – Утро вечера мудренее. Вернемся к этому разговору завтра.


V. Watch the film for the 2nd time. Note down all the figures you hear to use them in further discussion.


VI. Answer some questions on the film.


1. In Don Bradley’s viewpoint, what was the upper limit for the retail price for the Mark 2? (£ 60).

2. What did the production costs per unit have to be to gain worthwhile profits? (£ 14).

3. Derek Jones had his own vision of the problem in question, didn’t he? How did he figure out a retail price and production costs for the Mark 2? (£ 75 and 18 respectively).

4. Was Don Bradley on Derek’s side?

5. How did Derek justify his position?

6. Would you buy a toy for £ 75 (more than $ 100)?

7. Whom did Clive Harris support in the debate?

8. Why did he object to running a risk?

9. What was Derek Jones concerned about opposing the idea of too low production costs (£ 14 per unit)?

10. What solution did Derek propose to settle up the problem of production costs?

11. Whose side are you on in this dispute?

12. What was Kate McKenna irritated with when talking with Jenny Ross?

13. Why did she prefer canceling the rental agreement to fixing the fax machine?

14. Was Jenny Ross inclined to compromise while talking on the phone with the rental agency?

15. What agreement with a person or organization did you have to turn down in your life?

16. What were the talks between Edward Green and Mr. McNeil dedicated to?

17. How many units did Edward offer to supply by the end of the month? (5,000).

18. What was Mr. McNeil’s counter offer? (10,000).

19. Was Edward helpful and co-operative, or as obstinate as usual?

20. Why was Edward inclined to compromise?

21. They easily reached mutual understanding on the size of the first lot of goods, but how about the balance of the order? (Edward: in 3 consignments within the following 3 months).

22. Was it acceptable to Mr. McNeil? What was his condition? (by the end of May).

23. Did they reach mutual understanding on the delivery time? What do you think prevented Edward from giving a firm promise?

24. Why did Ms. Wong gather the representatives of Bibury Systems in the office of Hazelford Systems?

25. What did she make sure at the beginning of the meeting?

26. How did she want to amend the agenda?

27. What was the 1st item on the agenda which was to be outlined by Derek Jones?

28. What matter was Jenny Ross discussing on the phone?

29. What delivery time did she insist on? What hinders us from saying “tomorrow” as we describe that situation? What are we supposed to substitute “tomorrow” with?

30. Could the fax supplier’s rep meet her requirement?

31. Let’s get down again to the negotiations with Hazelford Systems. Did Ms. Wong congratulate the Bibury Systems’ reps on a successful bargain?

32. What was Clive’s final offer? (£ 14 per unit for 30,000 units).

33. How did Ms. Wong respond to that?

34. Did she suggest saying good-bye forever in view of the situation the talks reached?

35. What was the most suitable word to describe that situation, in Kate’s point of view? (deadlock).

36. Do you think Jenny Ross found the proper time to ask Clive Harris for a couple of days off? Why?

37. What kind of argument was there between Clive and Derek?

38. Derek said they had not offered any flexibility to Hazelford Systems. Do you also think so?

39. Whose side are you on in that dispute: Clive’s or Derek’s one? Why?

40. What did Derek Jones do at the end of the conversation?

41. Did the Managing Director accept his resignation?

42. Do you have the impression that the topic of delivery was not disclosed quite clearly in the film? What is almost the only episode of the film where the delivery matter was discussed? (Edward Green and Danny McNeil: the time of delivery and the number of consignments).


VII. Form your own dialogue on the topic “Negotiating delivery”. Some points you might concern are the time of delivery, the number of consignments of the goods, the Incoterms[19] delivery conditions, sanctions for a delay in delivery, transport documents that are to be sent to a bank to trigger payment etc. Bear in mind that your talks are not a show of altruism. It is business, and the situation of not reaching a consensus is quite probable.



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