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Modern plows


The oldest agricultural implement is the plow. Farmers have used it for many centuries. The plow has undergone many changes since the time of its invention. Modern plows are either pulled behind a tractor or mounted on a tractor.

The mounted type is called an integral plow because the tool and the power source are used as one unit. It has become the most efficient machine, providing a very level finish1. It penetrates deeply and loosens the soil preparing seedbeds. At the same time2 the soil is pulverized and aerated.

A plow mounted at the rear is attached to the drawbar by means of the 3-point linkage. The hydraulic mechanism provides the power for carrying, lifting or lowering the plow and controlling the plow penetration automatically.

The typical plow consists of a frame attached to the tractor, and main parts, working on soil. These are a coulter, a share, a mould board and a landside. The coulter is carried by the frame. It makes vertical cuts, separating the furrow slice from the unplowed land. The share is fitted on the frame. It makes horizontal cuts, separating the furrow slice from the soil. The mould board, which turns the furrow slice, is bolted to the frog above the share. The landside is attached to the frame opposite the mould board. It is a metal piece, absorbing the side thrush3.


1a level finish - гладкая поверхность

2at the same time - в то же время

3a side thrush - боковая реакция почвы

Active Vocabulary to Text В

century - век landside - полевая доска
undergo - претерпевать vertical - вертикальный
integral - интегральный bolt - крепить болтом
tool - орудие, инструмент frog - стойка, лягушка
power source - источник энергии above - над
coulter - нож absorb - поглощать
share - лемех  



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