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The general-purpose row crop wheeled tractor T-40 AM is a modified1 model of the family of tractors of traction class 0,9. This tractor can be used with a rich selection of efficient farm tools specially designed for attachment to the tractor. The tractor can operate grain drills, hay making implements, harvesting machines, planters, mowers, potato diggers, etc. It provides various farm operations: plowing, interrow cultivation, sowing, harrowing, weeds and pests control, etc.

The T-40 AM has an efficient 4 stroke engine, a compact and reliable transmission system, a three-point implement controlling linkage, an automatically engaged front driving axle. High traction features and good passability may extend the field of usage of this tractor in agriculture.




1modified - измененный, усовершенствованный




Tracklayers are produced to perform difficult work in various fields of national economy. In agriculture crawlers are used for deep plowing of virgin1 and fen lands, and for heavy and sandy soils.

They operate together with mounted and trailed machinery. A tracklaying tractor is equipped with two tracks, a powerful engine, a gearbox providing several forward and reverse speeds, and a hydraulic system to attach implements. PTO-shaft and three-point linkage are seldom fitted. The weight of a tractor is distributed2 over long tracks and its pressure upon the soil is not very high. Thus the soil is less damaged. The tracks provide more perfect adhesion with the soil. Crawlers are used for work in hilly country, for industrial and road construction, for carrying heavy loads, etc.



1virgin - целинный

2is distributed - распределяется




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