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Youth’s values


Old people always say the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.

When children become teenagers they question the values of their parents. This is a part of growing up that helps teenagers stabilize their own values. Money, beauty and pleasure are appreciated by the young most of all. Nobody wants to be a poor engineer who works 8 hours a day or a housewife who takes care of children. They dream about a career of a model, a designer, an artist, a businessman or a businesswoman. Young people are ready to have plastic surgery and keep to a diet to be beautiful.

Many teenagers are trying to be independent and free in the way of living, making friends, spending free time, closing and style. Nowadays meetings with peers have replaced family gatherings. Recreational activities are often shared with teenage peers but not with parents. Young people depend much more on their friends than on their parents for the emotional needs. They confide feelings and problems to close friends rather than to parents. Such peers and friends are often a valuable source of support and encouragement for one another.

Teenagers also value privacy. They don't want to be controlled by their parents all the time. But instead they are under constant pressure from their parents which leads to misunderstanding and leaving homes. But at the same time children and teenagers shouldn't run wild without control or supervision. Otherwise, it may lead to delinquency. To bring up them to be normal and well-adjusted human beings requires great wisdom. It's a hard job to be a parent.


Ex 1 Give the English equivalents from the text to the following Russian ones:

Ценить уединение; быть независимым и свободным; из поколения в поколение; быть образованным; иметь больше свободы; быть готовым к пластической хирургии; быть ценным источником; сообщать по секрету свои проблемы; близкие друзья; поддержка; встречи с ровней; соблюдать диету; ценить деньги и красоту; быть зависимым от родителей; быть домохозяйкой; тяжелый труд; одобрение; семейные сборища; уходить из дома; вести к непониманию; постоянное давление; мечтать о карьере модели.


Ex 2. True or false:

1. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it.

2. The young are worse educated.

3. The young blindly accept the ideas of their elders.

4. Many teenagers are trying to be independent and free.

5. Young people depend much more on their parents that on their friends.

6. Children and teenagers are under constant pressure from their parents which leads to understanding.

7. Money, beauty and pleasure are appreciated by the young most of all.

8. It’s an easy job to be a parent.


Ex 3. Answer the questions:

1. What do old people say about the young?

2. Are the young better or less educated?

3. Teenagers do not blindly accept the ideas of their parents?

4. When do children question the values of their parents?

5. What do teenagers dream about?

6. Do teenagers confide feelings and problems to close friends or to their parents?

7. What leads to misunderstanding between parents and teenagers?

8. What do the young value?

9. Are they ready to have plastic surgery and keep to a diet to be beautiful?

10. Whom do teenagers share recreational activities with?




Text 4 Sport and Music

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