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Britain and the British

English is an international language of business and commerce. It is spoken in such countries as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and, of course, in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is the political name of the country which is made of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Many foreigners say “England” and “English” when they mean “Britain”, or the “UK”, and “British”. This is very annoying for the people who live in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who are certainly not English. They are Scottish, Welsh, and Irish. London is the capital city of the United Kingdom.

Britain is one of the world’s smallest counties. The climate here is generally mild and varied. Most of the land is agricultural. Britain lives by industry and trade. Its manufactured goods of every kind are sent all over the world. The UK has made important advances in such industries as electronics and computers, medical technology, civil engineering, aerospace etc.

The majority of the British population live in small houses built close together. Such houses are built with two floors. A “typical” British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but in recent years here have been many changes in family life. Since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased.

Britain is supposed to be the land of law and order. Part of the British sense for law and orderliness is a love of precedent.

The Englishmen tend to be rather conservative, they are prudent and careful about almost everything. The Scottish and the Welsh are proud and independent. The Irish are known for their charm and vivacity.

Most people in Britain work a five-day week. Their leisure time is spent in individualistic pursuits, of which the most popular is gardening.

Britain enjoys the reputation of a sporting nation. Cricket, soccer, rugby, bowling, golf, tennis are popular here. Every school, college and university has its own sports clubs. Outdoor competitions in boat-racing, tennis, wrestling etc. are held every year.


Ex 1 Give the English equivalents from the text to the following Russian ones:

Соединенное королевство; раздражать людей; умеренный климат; сельскохозяйственный; жить индустрией и торговлей; промышленные товары; машиностроение; внести значительный вклад; население Британии; изменения в семейной жизни; получить развод; земля закона и порядка; быть консервативным; быть независимым; работать пять дней в неделю; свободное время; индивидуальные занятия; садоводство; народ, занимающийся спортом; соревнования, проводимые на открытом воздухе; проводить состязания по гребле; иностранцы; отправлять по всему миру.


Ex 2. True or False:

1. English is an international language of business and commerce.

2. Britain is one of the world’s biggest countries.

3. Britain lives by industry and trade.

4. The majority of the British population live in big houses built close together.

5. The number of divorces in the UK has decreased.

6. Britain is supposed to be the land of law and order.

7. Most people in Britain work a six-day week.

8. Outdoor competitions in boat-racing, tennis, wrestling etc. are held every month.

Ex 3. Answer the questions:

1. What language is an international language of business and commerce?

2. The United Kingdom is made of England Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, isn’t it?

3. What do many foreigners say when they mean “Britain”, or the “UK” and “British”?

4. What is the capital city of the United Kingdom?

5. Does Britain live by industry and trade?

6. What important advances has the UK made?

7. Where do the majority of the British population live?

8. What is a “typical” British family?

9. Has the number of divorces in Britain increased or decreased?

10. What are the Englishmen, the Scottish, the Welsh and the Irish like?



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