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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Achievement test


V - 1

Choose the correct alternative to the sentences below:

1. There are many… in the world.

A. the bacterium B. а bacterium C. bacteria D. bacteriums E. bacterias

2. He … be free in a day.

A. am B. will C. was D. are E. were

3. Where is … (ее) book?

A. its B. you C. their D. her E. our

4. 7.15

A. It’s a quarter to eight B. It’s half past eight C. It’s half past seven

D. It’s a quarter past seven E. Its’ ten minutes past seven

5. … time is it now?

A. where B. what C when D. how E. why

6. When I looked round the door, the baby … quietly.

A. is sleeping B. were sleeping C. was sleeping D. slept E. are sleeping

7. Холодно.

A. It’s cold. B. Cold. C. It’s too cold. D. It’s hot. E. There’s cold.

8. Yesterday I … to phone you, but I couldn’t.

A. is going B. are going C. am going D. were going E. was going

9. I can see … in the street.

A. anywhere B. nobody C. any D. anybody E. some

10. Mathematics... very difficult.

A. is B. will C. are D. were E. did

11. This flat is ….

A. its B. she C. her D. our E. theirs

12. He is very reliable (choose a synonym).

A.flexible B.miserable C.trustworthy

D. hard-working E. determined

13. While my mother _...

A. was read a book, I playing the piano. B. was reading a book, I was playing the piano. C. reading a book, I played the piano. D. reading a book, I playing the piano. E. read a book, I playing the piano.

14. My cousins … study English now.

A. like to B. like C. are liking to D. liked E. were liking

15. Look at …. black clouds. I think it’s going to rain.

A. those B. her C. it D. this E. that

16. … are you looking for?

A. At what B. What C. For whom D. Whose E. Which

17. We haven’t got … bread.

A. no B. something C. any D. the more E. some

18. Хвастаться нечем.

A. There is nothing to argue about. B. There is nothing to look at.

C. There is nothing to wait for. D. There is nothing to boast of.

E. There is nothing to complain of.

19. The … sun was hidden by the clouds.

A. rising B. rose C. rise D. rosen E. risen

20. The … results are very good.

A. sportsmen’ B. sportsmans’ C. sportsmean’s

D. sportsmen’s E. sportsman’

21. The girl … for you is my daughter.

A. sing B. sung C.to sing D. singing E. sang

22. We all went … the cinema last night.

A. in B. from C. at D. during E. to

23. That isn’t my key. … is here.

A. My B. Me C. Mine D. Me not E. None of me

24. British people are widely known to be extremely ….

A.polite B. risky C. reserved. D. ambitious E. shy

25. How do you say the speed: 128 kilometers an hour?

A. One thousand twenty-eight B. One thousand and twenty-eight

C. One hundreds twenty-eight D. Hundred twenty-eight

E. One hundred and twenty-eight

26. This tall broad shouldered man is ….

A. pretty B. handsome C. beautiful D. short E. more beautiful

27. Please, bring me … apples.

A. anybody B. any C. someone D. no E. some

28. … to nobody she came into the room.

A. speaking B. spoke C. to speak D. speak E. spoken

29. There were many interesting art works … this painter at the exhibition.

A. to B. on C. at D. of E. in

30. A. Dan was along the street going quickly. B. Dan the street was going quickly along. C. Dan was going quickly along the street. D. Along the street was Dan quickly going. E. Dan quickly along the street going was.

31. There was a (написанное) letter on the desk.

A. writing B. write C. written being written

32. Is there … interesting at the cinema today?

A. nothing B. nobody C. somebody D. something E. anything

33. Say “Good - bye” in other words. Give several alternatives.



V - 2

Choose the correct alternative to the sentences below:

1. They haven’t got … water.

A. no B. something C. any D. the more E. some

2. Разрешите представиться.

A. Let me introduce you to my father. B. Let me help you.

C. Let me do it for you. D. Let me introduce myself to you.

E. Let me introduce my friend to you.

3. A girl … a letter is his niece.

A. writing B. wrote C. write D. writed E. written

4. The … dresses are very nice.

A. women’ B. womans’ C. womean’s

D. women’s E. woman’

5. The … boys are my children.

A. sing B. sung C.to sing D. singing E. sang

6. They lived in the room … his friend.

A. in B. from C. at D. to E. of

7. That isn’t her book. … is here.

A. Her B. She C. Hers D. Her not E. None of her

8. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a ….

A.lifestyle B. norm of acting C. career. D. life E. sport

9. How do you say the speed: 128 kilometers an hour?

A. One thousand twenty-eight B. One thousand and twenty-eight

C. One hundreds twenty-eight D. Hundred twenty-eight

E. One hundred and twenty-eight

10. Those strong young men are ….

A. pretty B. handsome C. beautiful D. short E. more beautiful

11. Please, give him … water.

A. anybody B. any C. someone D. no E. some

12. … a t nobody he left the room.

A. looking B. looked C. to look D. look to E. not looking

13. There are many interesting works … her friend at the exhibition.

A. to B. on C. at D. of E. in

14. A. Mary is along the street running quickly.

B. Mary the street is running quickly along.

C. Mary is running quickly along the street.

D. Along the street is Mary quickly running.

E. Mary quickly along the street running is.

15. An exercise (сделанное) by me was rather difficult.

A. doing B. do C. done being done

16. Was there … interesting at the university yesterday?

A. nothing B. nobody C. somebody D. something E. anything

17. There are many… to economic progress.

A. the index B. аn index C. indices D. the indexes E. an indices

18. He … be ready in ten minutes.

A. am B. will C. was D. are E. were

19. Where is … (наш) monitor?

A. its B. you C. her D. our E. their

20. 7.45

A. It’s a quarter past seven B. It’s half past eight C. It’s half past seven

D. It’s a quarter to eight E. Its’ forty minutes to seven

21. … time is it now?

A. where B. what C when D. how E. why

22. When I came into the room, he … a book.

A. is reading B. were reading C. was reading D. read E. are reading

23. Поздно.

A. It’s late. B. Late. C. It’s too late. D. It’s early. E. There’s late.

24. Yesterday she … to visit you, but she couldn’t.

A. is going B. are going C. am going D. were going E. was going

25. The child can see … in the corridor.

A. anywhere B. nobody C. any D. anybody E. some

26. Physics... isn’t easy to me.

A. is B. will C. are D. were E. did

27. This cat is ….

A. its B. she C. their D. our E. hers

28. He is very reliable (choose a synonym).

A.flexible. B.miserable. C.trustworthy.

D. hard-working. E. determined.

29. When his friend ...

A. was read a book, he playing football. B. was reading a book, he was playing football. C. reading a book, he played football. D. reading a book, he playing football. E. read a book, he playing football.

30. My parents … me now.

A. hear B. hear to C. are hearing to D. heard E. were hearing

31. Look at …. children. I think they are going to play.

A. those B. her C. it D. this E. that

32. … are you listening to?

A. To what B. What C. To whom D. Whose E. Which

33. Say “How are you?” in other words. Give several alternatives.



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