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Судово-правова система та види права


Тема № 7. Адміністративне право (англомовних країн: США та Великобританії).

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Administrative law has a valuable contribution to make as an instrument for controlling the bureaucracy. In social democratic regimes, political control and judicial control of administration are regarded as complementary but distinct. Political control is concerned with questions of policy and the responsibility of the executive for administration and expenditure. Judicial control is concerned with inquiring into particular cases of complaint.

Administrative law does not include the control of policy by ministers or the head of state. One of the principal objects of administrative law is to ensure efficient, economical, and just administration. A system of administrative law that impedes or frustrates administration would clearly be bad, and so, too, would be a system that results in injustice to the individual.


Тема № 8. Конституційне право (англомовних країн: США та Великобританії).

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The federal Constitution (1788) and its Bill of Rights (Amendments 1; Х, 1791) did the same, shortly thereafter, at the national level. By giving through this device a formal, higher status to rules defining the essential organization of government, as well as the essential limitations of its legislative and executive powers, U.S. constitutionalism put in full evidence the character that belongs, in essence, to all constitutional law: the fact of its being «basic» with respect to all other laws of the legal system. This also made it possible to set up institutional controls over the conformity even of legislation with the group of rules considered, with; in the system, to be of supreme importance.

The American idea of stating in an orderly, comprehensive document the essentials of the rules that must guide the operations of government became popular very quickly. Since the end of the 18th century scores of states, in Europe and elsewhere, have followed the United States’ example.


Тема № 9. Трудове право (англомовних країн: США та Великобританії).

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Traditionally it has been thought that employment law, perhaps more than any branch of law, exists largely to prevent the need for the parties to a dispute to resort to the tribunals or courts. Recent trends have meant increased confrontation in the employment sphere and parties in such disputes seem more willing to resort to legal redress in order to test the legal merits of their actions. The law, therefore, is becoming increasingly important in such areas. The use of practice and procedures, which are based on the legal framework, are obviously still important but so is the use of the legal remedy. Particularly in the past twenty years, employment law has had a growing significance for managers — whether general managers or human resource practitioners. Potentially, it influences and may constrain action that managers want to take.


Тема № 10. Міжнародне право. Міжнародні угоди у галузі прав людини.

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The development of International Law is one of the primary goals of the United Nations. International Law defines the legal responsibilities of States in their conduct with each other, and their treatment of individuals within State boundaries. Its domain encompasses a wide range of issues of international concern such as human rights, disarmament, international crime, refugees, migration, problems of nationality, the treatment of prisoners, the use of force, and the conduct of war, among others. It also regulates the global commons, such as the environment, sustainable development, international waters, outer space, global communications and world trade.

More than 500 multilateral treaties have been deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Many other treaties are deposited with governments or other entities.

The General Assembly is the main deliberative body of the United Nations. Many multilateral treaties are adopted by it and subsequently opened for signature and ratification by member States of the United Nations.


Тема № 11. Цивільне право (англомовних країн: США та Великобританії).

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A person injured by the wrongful conduct of another may be able to obtain relief from the court and bring a civil action against the wrongdoer. Civil cases are usually disputes between or among private citizens, corporations, governments, government agencies, and other organizations.

A civil action involves two parties. The party who brings a civil action is the plaintiff (or claimant); the party against whom the civil action is brought is the defendant. There may be many plaintiffs or many defendants in the same case. Most often, the party bringing the suit is asking for money damages for some wrong that has been done. For example, a tenant may sue a landlord for failure to fix a leaky roof, or a landlord may sue a tenant for failure to pay rent. The plaintiff starts the lawsuit by filing a paper called a complaint, in which the case against a defendant is stated. This step is usually done by the attorney for the plaintiff. The complaint states the plaintiff’s claims, which allegedly justify the relief demanded. Next, the defendant must be properly served with a copy of the complaint and with a summons. The summons is a court order which directs the defendant to answer the complaint.

Тема № 12. Кримінальне право (англомовних країн: США та Великобританії).

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The criminal law recognizes certain excuses that may limit, or overcome criminal responsibility. In rare instances, mistake of law may serve as an excuse; more common is ignorance or mistake of fact. The defense of entrapment may also be used to escape criminal responsibility. While the police may employ undercover agents or decoys, they are permitted to use such techniques only to detect criminal activity, not to instigate it. Lack of mental capacity can also operate as a defense to criminal prosecution. Thus, infancy, insanity and intoxication may in some cases serve as an excuse for the commission of a crime.

A criminal prosecution begins when there is probable cause to believe that the accused committed the crime. The accused is then arrested – either with or without a warrant, depending upon the circumstances – and is brought before the magistrate for a preliminary hearing to determine whether there are sufficient grounds to hold the accused for trial. Subsequent to this hearing, the prosecutor must either file information stating the charge or ask the grand jury for an indictment, a formal declaration of charges. Thereafter, the defendant is arraigned, brought before a judge to enter his plea. If he pleads not guilty, the case goes to trial; if he pleads guilty, the judge will impose a sentence.

Рекомендована література до тем 7-12: 2.1-2.15, 3.1-3.6.

Змістовий модуль 3.

Офіційно-ділова комунікація.

Тема № 13. Офіційно-ділова документація. Ділові листи, їх ознаки та класифікація. Електронна кореспонденція (факси, e-mail). Вимоги до оформлення ділових листів.

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In the last few years, e-mail and Internet have become important developments in electronic communications that have begun to affect the lives of all of us. The Post-industrial age is the information age, and the means to acquire, store, manipulate, and use information will lead to success and power. That is why electronic transfer of information is so important for education.

Moreover, since electronic communications are global and the Internet has no borders, this technology creates many opportunities for cultural and scholarly exchange. Thus, the Internet helps different structures all over the world to be linked and to exchange information electronically.


Тема № 14. Працевлаштування. Написання CV, резюме, супровідного листа, рекомендаційного листа. Співбесіда.

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In Anglo-American academic culture, biographical information is traditionally presented as a curriculum vitae (CV).

A curriculum vitae (CV)is an account of one's education and career. CVs are usually submitted when applying for an academic position. A CV may be rather detailed and long, but, in contrast to a narrative autobiography, it usually follows a certain format and should be typewritten. CVs are frequently updated to show advances in academic career and growing experiences of their owners.

A CV may also include a brief description of some professional skills. Information in CVs is usually presented in a reverse chronological order, that is beginning with the latest dates. When writing CVs Ukrainian students and scholars may also face some specific problems as the system of education and degrees in Ukraine significantly differs from that of the English-speaking countries

Тема №15. Анотування, та реферування фахової ділової інформації іноземною мовою. Написання анотації іноземною мовою для магістерської роботи.

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A summary traditionally contains the main ideas of the original document. Sometimes a summary contains indirect quotation.

A summary should be concise, clearly written, complete, and well organized. It should also reflect your ability to understand the meanings of words, the author’s attitude, and any implied meanings. A summary usually contains the attitude and opinion of the author, so do not let your opinion interfere with the ideas you are summarizing. Also, do not add any new ideas to the summary that are not in the text being summarized.

In a summary, never criticize or judge the writer in any way. A well-written summary is not a critique.


Тема № 16. Міжнародні науково-практичні конференції, семінари та симпозіуми. Наукова доповідь.

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A conference abstractis a short account of an oral presentation proposed to the organizers of a conference. It is a widespread and important genre that plays a significant role in promoting new knowledge within scientific communities, both national and international.

Nowadays, Ukrainian scholars often try to submit abstracts to international conferences. For many of our academicians, the conference abstract is a kind of a "pass" to the world research communities that provides, if accepted, various opportunities for professional contacts and communication.

The abstracts submitted for international and major national conferences are usually reviewed (sometimes blind-reviewed, i.e. considered without seeing the names of the authors) by conference committees.


Рекомендована література до тем 13-16: 2.1-2.15, 3.1-3.6.


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