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Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine is widely known for their originality and originality. Its traditions and identity led to the fact that, despite the huge number of Ukrainian national appetizers, soups and desserts, each dish are inherent in the features that distinguish this kitchen recipe and make it tasty and healthy dishes.

At present, Ukrainian cuisine is not only not forgotten, but on the contrary, is constantly updated with new recipes based on its best traditions. None Ukrainian mistress is no question that to prepare for unexpected guests, that they were fat and happy of her hospitality.

Main dishes of Ukrainian cuisine - these are different kinds of borscht, dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, stuffed pork and some others. The primary features of the national cuisine of Ukraine, first of all, the most commonly used foods (bacon, pork, wheat flour, beet, etc.), as well as a special cooking technique, which is the total heat-treated dishes, including a main component and a few extra. A striking example of this dish - it's soup, which consists of beets and more than twenty additional products, shielding her taste.

Most often in the national cuisine of Ukraine used lard, which is used as a separate dish, and as an additional ingredient or seasoning. Other foods, typical of this kitchen, and can also act as a garnish and as a shielding element. Recipes of fat in the Ukrainian cuisine is quite diverse: it is used raw, pickled, fried, as greaves, etc. In short, if a Ukrainian lady is fat, she never will think what to cook their guests.

In addition, Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by a lot bakery products, which are prepared mainly from unleavened dough. Dumplings, Grechanik, dumplings, Shuliko, cakes and other pastries are able to impress with its taste of even the most fastidious.

Each of us has ever tasted in my life real Ukrainian borsch. Despite the fact that this dish is known from the chronicles, and even birch-bark scrolls, that Ukraine has become the most popular soup. What are its only ingredients are not cooked. To date, among the highest demand gourmet Ukrainian borscht red and green. First you can prepare all year round, and the second is mainly served in the warm season.Ukrainian cuisine also offers a large selection of soups, which are prepared from a variety of meats.Widespread Ukrainian soups, pork and beef. As for vegetables, soups used potatoes, beets, cabbage and other low-cost and readily available components. On our site you can learn different recipes for Ukrainian borscht, soup, gruel, and other traditional dishes.
Among the main dishes in the kitchen leading Ukrainian dish of potatoes and cereals. This is explained by the fact that the territory of Ukraine is widely cultivated wheat, rye, buckwheat, and potatoes, beets and other vegetables. Second course - it's cereal, casseroles, grandmother, and various baked vegetables.Ukrainian cuisine is rich in trace elements and high calorie. In our harsh climate of the organism spends a large number of energy for heating, so the flow should be enhanced to compensate for food. Therefore, the second Ukrainian dishes often include pork, beef or chicken. Eggs and fish are also an integral part of many dishes.
For dessert, Ukrainian cuisine offers a variety of confectionery products, prepared on the basis of berries, fruits and dairy products. Preserves and jams, jams and compotes, cream and cheese Paschi - this is an incomplete list of those dishes that offer gourmet cooks Ukrainian cuisine. In summer and autumn there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables during this period, the table can help to diversify the third Ukrainian dishes. The site presents many recipes for desserts of the most common and readily available components. Cherry compote, raspberry jam and stewed fruit drinks are the most famous Ukrainian cuisine.


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