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Each holiday is interesting in its way but all of them are good and merry


In today's world, most weddings are in the summer. And our ancestors wedding season just opened in mid-October, as before they were all busy in the fields and gardens, and the festivities, as well as preparing for the time it was not enough.

Before the baptism of Slavs were married in the spring, when the earth was awakened, and came to life.Since the spring - the emergence of a new life, it is this time considered favorable for the emergence of new families. But after the baptism in the spring to celebrate the wedding was not, after all this time has a great post, and during Lent, any entertainment is prohibited.

Most wedding traditions that are held in Ukraine, has its origins in pre-Christian times. For example, there is a tradition that the young wine is poured and break glasses. Pouring the wine, the Slavs brought a sacrifice to God, the sun, and the glasses smashed, because death has no right to drink from a vessel, from which it drank the sun, it was a deadly sin.

After the Christianization of the Ukrainians have long been considered a church marriage (wedding) a kind of legal necessity. So after the wedding the young often lived separately from their families, as long as this does not play a wedding. The Holy Synod called such behavior is sinful, accusing Young of adultery.Therefore, in the 19th century, the church allowed to perform weddings and wedding in one day, united, so that folk and religious marriage

July 7 - Ivan Kupala

On this day the Church celebrates Christmas by Ivan the Baptist. This celebration goes back to pagan times - our ancestors celebrated Kupayla holiday - a holiday of sun, but by a confluence of tradition and celebration of Ivan Kupala was formed.

On this day, boys and girls make dolls out of straw: the guys are doing, "Kupala", which is dressed in male attire, and a girl - Marin, with which dress up the girl. It is around these characters and the events taking place in the evening.

But, as if there may be, both of them waiting for a tragic end - they are either burned or drowned. The years go by, and the most popular entertainment evenings are jumping over the fire. This ritual has always lent a magical character: if the jump is good, then you will have good health, jump with your favorite hand in hand - the wedding can not be avoided, but if you suddenly enter into the fire - the year of troubles will be rich.

At the end of festivities can go home, but on this evening is not over. There is a legend about a magical fern flower, which will open all earthly wealth. But just look for it must be night, and he is protected by dark forces.Also at dawn you can walk barefoot on the dew Kupala. Herbs in this day have healing properties.

The tradition of giving Easter eggs has been around for a long time. Who made it into the culture of Ukraine has not been fully understood. It is believed that this could be the Persians, the inhabitants of Asia Minor, probably. But one thing is for sure - the egg symbolizes the beginning of all life, the divine principle.The inhabitants of Asia Minor on the egg represented the goddess Cybele of all living things. There is another theory about which the tradition is to paint the eggs from the time of Tripoli culture (3-1 millennium BC). Because the tribes who lived on the territory of Ukraine, led a settled life and grown plants, fruits and vegetables in the patterns of Easter eggs you can see a lot of plant motifs. Animal symbolism is also present on the eggs and the mean hope of our ancestors (birds, pets). Only later, after the baptism of Russia, on the egg began to appear religious symbols.




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