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Orbit/О /55

iasis] -a myasis, in which agent of the disease has invaded the eye tissues

Ophthalmomycosis [ophthalmomycosis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. mykes, myketos "mushroom"+-osis] - a mycosis, characterized by the eye lesion

Ophthalmooncology [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + oncology] - a part of the ophthalmology and oncology, studying tumors of the eye-globe, orbit and optic nerve

Ophthalmopathy, endocrine [ophthalmopathia endocrinica<gr: ophthalmos "eye" + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of the eye pathological processes of noninflammatory type, caused by the disorders of the endocrine system (e.g., in diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis)

Ophthalmoplegia [ophthalmoplegia < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. plege "blow, defeat"] - paralysis of the eye extraocular muscles

Ophthalmoplethysmography [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + plethysmography], syn. ophthalmosphygmography - a method of investigation of the eye blood-filling changes during the heart cycle

Ophthalmorheography [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. rrhoia "flow, stream" + gr. grapho "to write"], syn. rheography of the eye, rheoophthalmography - a rheographic method of the uveal tract hemodynamics examination, in particular, the ciliary body

Ophthalmoscope [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - an instrument for the visual examination of the eye media transparency and for the examination of the eye fundus

Ophthalmoscopy [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - a method of the investigation of the retina, uveal tract and optic nerve condition, based on the examination of the eye fundus

Ophthalmosurgery [ophthalmochirurgia < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. cheir "hand" +gr. ergon "operation"] - a part of ophthalmology, developing surgical methods of the eye diseases treatment

Ophthalmotofflometry [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + tonometry] - eye tonometry

Ophthalmotonus [ophthalmotonus < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + lat. tonus < gr. tones "strain, tension"] - intraocular pressure (IOP)

Ophthalmotropismus adenohypophysialis [ophtalmotropismus adenohypo- physialis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. tropos "direction, turn"], syn. exophthalmos malignant - progressing exophthalmos, caused by the dysfunction of the hypothalamic- hypophysial-thyroid system

Optics, physiological - a part of the physiology and optics, studying the laws of the light perception by the human visual organ and visual analizator

Optometer [gr. optikos "connected with the vision", gr. optos "visible" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - an instrument for the quick approximate determination of the eye refraction and position of the near and far points of the focused vision (range of the accommodation)

Optometry [gr. optikos "connected with the vision", gr. optos "visible" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a part of the ophthalmology, developing methods of the eye refraction anomaly determination and correction by the optic means

Optotypes [gr. optikos "connected with the vision", gr. optos "visible" + type] - one- type symbols (letters, geometrical figures and oth.) of various size, used for visual acuity measurement

Orbit [< lat. anat. orbita < lat. orbis "circumference, circle"] - orbital cavity


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