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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


diameters of the right and left eyes

Isometropia [isometropia < gr. isos "equal" + gr. metron "measure" + gi: ops, opos "eye"] - an absence of the differences in the refraction of the right and left eyes

Isoptera [isoptera <gr. isos "equal" +gr. opter "an observer, a looking man"] - a line, connecting all the points on the visual field scheme, corresponding to the retinal zones with the equal light sensibility


Keratectomy [keratectomia < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - refractive surgical operation, used for the refractive power changing of the cornea as result of decreasing of its thickness

Keratitis [keratitis < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + -itis] - an inflammation of the cornea

Keratocele [keratocele < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + gr. kele "lump, swelling, tumour"] -seeBescemetocele

Keratoconjunctivitis [keratoconjunctivitis < kerato- + anat. conjunctiva + -itis] - a combined inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva

Keratoconus [keratoconus < kerato- + gr. konos "cone"], syn. conical cornea - pathological change of the cornea, in which its surface has conical form with the top, directed forward

Keratoectasia [keratoectasia < kerato- + gr. ektasis "widening"] - bulging of the thinning parts of the cornea

Keratoglobus [keratoglobus < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + lat. globus "ball"] - pathological change of the cornea, in which its anterior surface has a ball­like prominence

Keratoiritis [keratoiritis < kerato- + anat. iris + -itis] - a combined inflammation of the cornea and iris

Keratomalacia [keratomalacia < kerato- + gr. malakia "softness"], syn. melting of the cornae - disruption of the cornea with formation of the spacious ulcers, observing in vitamin A deficiency, usually in babies in the dystrophy course

Keratometer [kerato- + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"], syn. astigmoophthalmometer - a device for the measurement of the curvature radius of the anterior surface of the cornea in different meridians

Keratomileusis [keratomileusis < kerato- + gr. smileusis "carving"] - refractive keratoplasty type in myopia, consisting in decreasing of the refractive power of the cornea by the using of the special-made autograft

Keratophakia [keratophakia < kerato- + gr. phakos "lentil, lens"] - refractive keratoplasty type, in which a graft has lens-shaped form

Keratopathy [keratopathia < kerato- + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of some corneal lesions (more commonly of dystrophic type) with loss of the corneal transparency

Keratoplasty [keratoplastica < kerato- + plasty], syn. transplantation of the cornea - plastic operation, consisting in the replacement of the pathologically changed cornea or its


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