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Religious law


Muslim Law - is an autonomous legal system which is of a religious nature and predominantly based on the Koran. The number of Muslim countries is growing (now there are more than 50 Muslim states the population of which is about 900 million people), and the main common feature is not merely spiritual: the Islamic religion aims to cover all areas of life. Countries belonging to this system are: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Ordain, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and others.

In its strongest formulation, some Islamic scholars state that law cannot exist outside religion and therefore the state has no power to legislate. But in practice the religion is found in countries with very different histories, where formal legal systems differ much. They vary from the absolute sovereignty of some Gulf states through the French and Swiss-influenced codes of Egypt and Turkey, the common-law patterns of Pakistan and India, the Soviet structures of the central Asian republics, to the revolutionary councils and tribunals of Iran and Libya.

Hindu law. Unrivalled in age, the Hindu law found in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia and parts of East Africa is contained in a literature which is vast, complex and seemingly impossible to summarize. Its laws and customs are derived from sages of the past who were themselves taught by a creator, it preaches the birth, death and rebirth of living things, and its precepts cover many more activities than does any secular legal system. In the countries mentioned, however, it governs only the personal and family relations and its family law has been codified and much amended, especially in India. Nonetheless it can affect the lives of some 450 million people.

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