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Travers sliding


Aims of the lesson: intended sliding targeted to certain direction, safe traversing

Terrain: well prepared and wide slope, no bumps

Org. form: partner’s help – holding back arm, giving support

ride one by one start teaching at front side position

Safety: free space for all students, checking uphill

Techniques: you start in basic stance for sliding by slow traversing. You are sliding

down by accented weighting the front foot and turning the upper body

in ride direction. Be careful about too accented edging. Then the board

doesn’t slide but edges into the slope. Shift the weight to back foot to

stop sliding down. you can stress this motion by turning upper body to

the slope and straighten back leg down.


- while sidesliding – up –down motion

shift weight to front and to back foot

- garlands – from sliding or traversing shift shortly to sliding (weight on both feet).

Then shift the weight on upper edge and front food. This let you go back to traversing. You repeat this couple times.

- while traversing - the same exercises as above

switch sliding to braking back and forth

targeted sliding

garlands by shifting weight

garlands by stretching legs

student holds the pole with both hands and partner helps him



Student slides backward – he puts the weight on the wrong foot

Chest is not turned to ride direction – repeat the basic stance again

Wrong weight shift to the front foot – to accent it, the instructor shows the student

which foot he puts the weight on. So the student can realize it.

Upper edge setting – reduce the pressure on upper edge

Student is too fast or he slides to wrong direction – correct edging angle

Overleaping backwards – board ioses the ability to be maneuvered

Student looks down – balance troubles – look forward


Date: 2015-08-06; view: 248; Нарушение авторских прав; Помощь в написании работы --> СЮДА...

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