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Aims of the lesson: starts, process and finish of side slipping, put the same amount of

weight on both feet, frontside, backside. Learn to differ various

caused by weight shifting during side slipping.

Terrain: middle steep slope, packed snow

Org. form: all at time, enough space among students

Safety: -check if the way is free

- slope should be steep enough

- never practise in a line down the hill

- free space among students

- alternative: in smaller droops

Technique: basic stance – flex joints, keep your arms slightly apart.

Frontside: - put the same amount of weight lengthways to upper edge by

pushing toes down, flexing ankles and straighten knees. It result in inveighing upper edge and the board starts sliding. Then you lift heels, stand on toes and edge. This makes the board stop sliding.

Backside: -Push toes down, straighten ankles, flex knees to make the board slide. To stop lift your toes, stand on heels, straighten knees slightly.


Weight shift Weight on the front foot – the board starts traversing the slope over the nose and turns round the nose to the fall-line.

Weight on the back foot – the board starts traversing over the tail and turns round the tail to the fall-line.


- relaxed posture on upper edge, kneeling up and down

- jumping on the board uphill

- slow and fast side slipping

- stop on command – verbal, visual

- side slipping to the target (a pole, a spote, a tree)

- stand still and shift the weight to the front foot and to the back foot, then do the

same when side slipping (falling leaf)

- turn the board slightly from side slipping posture toward the fall line and back

(not across the fall line)


- student cannot start sliding – then choose steeper hill

- wrong posture – then repeat the exercise on the spot

- board’s tail or nose onto the fall line – it is cause by incorrect weight balance

(partner helps and corrects right posture and leads him)

- don’t look down. Look straight forward.


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