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Future Continuous tense

to be + V ing will be (Participle 1)


Positive Negative Interrogative
I will be sleeping She will be singing   I will not be sleeping. She will not be singing.   Will I besleeping? Will she besinging?  


1. Translate these sentences:

1. He will be waiting for you at 7 in the evening. 2. They will be having dinner at that time. 3. We will be discussing this question tomorrow morning. 4. The Browns will be packing at 10 o’clock tomorrow. 5. The man will be waiting for his friend at 5. 6. The tourist will be staying at the hotel. 7. When you come they will be packing their things. 8. I will be waiting for you at 11. Will you come? 9. Mother will be sewing a blouse if you come at 6. 10. The girl will be writing her homework if you come in the afternoon.

2. Say what you or other people will be doing at definite moment in the future:

1. I’m going to watch TV from 9 till 10 o’clock in the evening. So at 9.30 I’ll be watching TV. 2. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So at 4 o’clock tomorrow I…. 3. Jim is going to study from 8 o’clock until 10 o’clock this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he…. 4. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from till 11 o’clock. So at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning …. 5. Susan has a lot of typing to do. She’s going to type today from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. So at 4.30 this afternoon …. 6. We are going to pack our things from 6 to 9 this evening. So at 7 o’clock this evening we …. 7. We are going to have our classes from 3 to 6 o’clock. So at 5 o’clock we …. 8. I’m going to write letters from 10 until 11. So at 10.30 I …. 9. From 11 till 6 I’m going to prepare for my exam. So at 2 o’clock I …. 10. Tomorrow they are going to go for a walk from 8 to 9. So at 8.30 they….


3. Paraphrase using the Future Continuous:

e.g.: We are going to London tomorrow.

We will be going to London tomorrow.

1. We’re catching the 8 o’clock train. 2. My brother is meeting me at the station. 3. Our wives aren’t coming with us. 4. They are staying at home. 5. We’re arriving at Paddington Station at ten o’clock. 6. My brother’s staying overnight in London, but I’m not. 7. I’m returning on the 9 o’clock express. 8. My wife’s picking me up at the station. 9. Jack is going to the mountains next Sunday. 10. She is writing a letter to her friend in France.


4. Respond to the following statements:

e.g.: Look, it’s getting dark. (it’s rain, in a few minutes)

It’ll be raining in a few minutes.

1. I don’t think they will come. (move to a new flat). 2. What are your plans for tonight? (take a friend to a concert). 3. My vacation is coming to an end. (return to the University, in two days). 4. Stay a little longer. (we, have supper, in a few minutes). 5. You are looking tired. (I, get a holiday soon). 6. I’m going to speak to Mr. Smith about it. (see him tonight).My mother is coming by the 6 o’clock train. (meet her at the station). 7. Jane is packing her things. (leave tonight). 8. Gorge is arriving in Moscow. (I, phone him). 9. His mother is cooking the dinner (he, help to her).


5. Ask questions:

e.g.: – I usually meet Ann on Monday.

Will you be meeting her next Monday?

I usually …

1. leave early on Friday; 2. lunch with Bill on Sunday; 3. go camping in summer; 4. play golf on Tuesday; 5. take out Mary on Wednesday; 6. watch TV on Saturday evening; 7. listen to the radio on Monday morning; 8. write to my father on Thursday; 9. meet Arthur in autumn; 10.visit my mother-in-low on in winter.

6. What things will you be doing at these times?

1. 7.30 tomorrow morning

2. 7.15 tomorrow evening

3. 10.30 next Sunday morning

4. 8.00 this evening

5. this time next week

6. 11.45 next Saturday

7. 6.35 the day after tomorrow afternoon

8. from 5 till 6 next night

9. from June till August next holiday

10. 20.00 next Tuesday’s evening

Read the text:

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is this week and several of our relatives from out of town will be staying with us during the long holiday weekend.

Uncle Frank will be staying for a few days. He will be sleeping on the couch in the living room.

My wife’s parents will be staying until next Monday. They will be sleeping in the guestroom over the garage.

And Cousin Bertha will be staying for a few week or more. She will be sleeping on a cot in the children’s bedroom.

My wife and I will be busy for the next few days. She will be preparing Thanksgiving dinner and I will be cleaning the house from top to bottom.

We are looking forward to the holiday but we know we will be happy when it’s over. Happy Thanksgiving.


Ask and answer questions on the text. Retell this text.



Present Perfect Tense


a) Present Perfect – use for past actions with present results.

have + V ed has 3rd form


Positive Negative Interrogative
I (you, we, they) have come She (he, it) has gone   I (you, we, they) have not come She (he, it) has not gone   Have I (you, we, they) come? Has she (he, it) gone?


1. Explain the use of Present Perfect in the following sentences and translate:

1. Our delegation has visited all the new metro-stations in New York. 2. The working conditions in all branches of industry have been radically changed for the better. 3. Our shop has already fulfilled its production program. 4. A great number of powerful X-ray units have been designed since the discovery of X-ray. 5. This machine has been designed by one of our engineers. 6. When I came home, my mother has already cooked the dinner. 7. I have not looked through the papers yet. 8. She has known this man for many years. 9. The Grigoryevs have lived in New York City for five years. 10. I have learned many new English words in this course.


2. Complete the sentences with the verb from the list. Use the Present Perfect (have/has + the past participle of the verb)

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