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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Present Continuous tense

to be + V ing am is (Participle I) are


Positive Negative Interrogative
I am writing now. He (she, it) is writing now. We (you they) are writing now. I am not writing now. He (she, it) is not writing now. We (you they) are not writing now. Am I writing now? Is he (she, it) writing now? Are we (you they) writing now?


1. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the tense:

1. They are discussing an important problem. 2. William is not playing the piano. 3. She is not washing up. 4. They are not swimming in the lake. 5. We are working in the park. 6. It is 7 o’clock. Mike is getting up. 7. Is John waiting for the bus? 8. Are Nick and Ann doing their morning exercises? 9. Is Jack playing football? 10. It is 10 minutes past 7 a.m. Suzy is cleaning her teeth.


2. Answer the questions:

1. Who is sitting next to you? 2. What is he/she doing? 3. Are they preparing their lessons now? 4. The children are playing football, aren’t they? 5. Are you talking with her/him now? 6. Whom is he waiting for? 7. Is she planting a rose now? 8. It is raining now, isn’t it? 9. Am I reading a book now? 10. Are the students answering the teacher’s questions?


3. Make up ten sentences with these verbs:

to be flying, to be sleeping, to be opening, to be working, to be writing, to be watching, to be drinking, to be studying, to making, to be cooking.


4. Open the brackets, using the correct form of verbs:

1. Polly (to be to work) on his report now. 2. The scientist (to be to look through) the specifications for these machines. 3. I (to be to listen) to the latest news now. 4. My mother (to be to cook) the dinner for us. 5. The boy (to be to swim) and his elder sister (to be to bathe). 6. He (to be to ask) Andrew questions. 7. Her grandmother (to be to take) a shower.8. The uncle of my friend (to be to drive) a car now. 9. The director of our office (to be to receive) some foreign businessmen. 10. They (to be to discuss) the modern state of affairs.


5. Make up the sentences. Use am/ is/ are + one of these verbs:

building, coming, having, looking, playing, cooking, writing, standing, swimming, reading

1. Listen! Pat … the piano. 2. They … a new hotel in the city center at the moment. 3. Look! Somebody … in the river. 4. Don’t interrupt him, he … the book 5. ‘You … on my foot’. ‘Oh, I’m sorry’. 6. Hurry up! The bus … 7. Our director … through the specifications. 8.‘Where are you, George?’ ‘In the kitchen, I … a meal’. 9. They … the new words from 7 lesson. 10. ‘Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please?’ ‘She … a shower at the moment. Can you phone again later?’

6. Choose the correct verb form:

1. Tanya comes /is coming from Russia. 2. She visits/is visiting London. 3. She has/is having a holiday. 4. She speaks/is speaking English quite well. 5. She stays/is staying with friends in London. 6. She enjoys/is enjoying her visit. 7. She goes/is going shopping most days. 8. She says/is saying she wants to come back soon.

7. What’s happening at the moment? Write true sentences:

1. (I/wash/my hair) I’m not washing my hair.

2. (It/snow) It is snowing.

3. (I/sit/on a chair) ………………………….

4. (I/eat) ………………………….

5. (It/rain).…………………………

6. (I/learn/English).…………………………

7. (I/listen/to the radio)…………………………

8. (the sun/shine) ………………………….

9. (I wear/shoes) …………………………

10. (I/read/a newspaper)………………………..

8. Put questions to these sentences:

1. I’m going to my friend. 2. They are talking about the weather. 3. He is speaking with his sister. 4. I’m looking at this beautiful girl. 5. She is telling me about her children. 6. They are looking for their dog. 7. They are coming from the theatre. 8. He is dreaming about the warm sea. 9. She is thinking of her new friends. 10. We are looking after her cat.


9. Open the brackets use Present Continuous tense:

(NOW) 1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2. I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room. 7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who (to lie) on the sofa?


Read and translate the text:

I often travel to other countries, so I spend a lot of time at airports. Today I’m traveling to Greece and at the moment I’m waiting for my plane. But I’m not waiting my time. What am I doing? I’m playing my favourite game – people-watching. Whenever I have the time, I watch other people.

Take that couple, for example. They’re buying magazines at the moment. Are they going on holiday or are they traveling on business? They aren’t wearing business clothes, but he’s carrying a briefcase. Every few seconds she looks round. Is someone following them? Perhaps they’re running away and … Just a minute, there’s a story in the newspaper. A bank clerk stole one million pounds last week and disappeared with his wife. There’s a picture of them here. Yes, they look similar. That’s it! The money’s in the briefcase. I must stop them.

They are going to the departure lounge now. Quick. Oh, just a minute. They’re saying goodbye to each other. The woman isn’t going into departure lounge. She’s walking away. Oh, well, it was exciting for a moment. Oh, what is she doing now? She’s talking to another man. They’re kissing. Now, I wonder…

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