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Упражнение 80

вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

My... husband picks up... local newspaper every i in. ruing from... vending machine on our... way to vork.... other morning,... girl who appeared to I>i about 6 was in... front of him in... line, buying I и i per for her... mother, who was sitting in...... child put... money for one... paper in... и I о I, juid took two... newspapers!

My... husband said to her, "Oh, is this two-for-

I'.....day?"... child did not reply. She just took...... newspapers to her... mother. This is stealing, pure and simple. I wonder what i In i... mother is going to think when her... daugh-(•ч becomes... teen and gets arrested for... shop- lifting at... mall? I suppose she'll wonder where her... daughter got... idea that it is OK to take some­thing without paying for it.

... mother missed... opportunity to teach her... child right from wrong. If... child took... extra newspaper in... error,... mother should have in­structed her to put it back. However, if she put... child up to it — shame on her.


ink! As... men left... room and tried to leave... hospital,... emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, "Oh God, they're all covered in... blood." So she tried to help them but they refused her... help and ran off.... doctor realized something funny was going on and she called... police.... po­lice caught... robbers — guess where? Outside... bank on Main Street.

Упражнение 81

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Three... bank robbers got... surprise last night. This is what happened.... three... robbers, who all work as... cleaners at... hospital, drove up to... bank on Main Street.... three men, wearing... masks over their... faces, got out of... car and ran into... bank. Inside... bank, they pointed... guns at... customers and... bank tellers. One of... men told all... customers to He down on... floor. And then one of... other men said something like, "Quick... money! Give me... money!" So one of... tellers handed them some... bags. After leaving... bank,... three men jumped into their... van and drove off. One... mile down... road,... robbers parked their... van next to... ambulance they had parked before... robbery. They got into... ambulance and drove off. They went straight to their... hospital. After leaving... ambulance in... hospital parking lot,... three... men went together into... small room. There, they opened... bags of... money they had been given — and got... very... unpleasant surprise!... bank teller had given... robbers... special bags containing... bright red... ink!... red ink is released when... bag is opened, and it can't be washed off. So suddenly,... men found themselves covered in red ink! As... men left... room and tried to leave... hospital,... emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, "Oh God, they're all covered in... blood." So she tried to help them but they refused her... help and ran off.... doctor realized something funny was going on and she called... police.... po­lice caught... robbers — guess where? Outside... bank on Main Street.

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