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In a month in a year

Упражнение 72

вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

"Is there..о post office near... house you live in?5'

"Yes, there is. Go to... corner of... street along

which... trams run. Then turn to... left and walk

hort distance down... street. Do not cross...

<-t, of course. You will see... sign over... door

li says "Post and Telegraph Office."

"Thank you very much. I am sure I shall find it

wil.hout... difficulty. I must buy... stamps, send...

ii-lfj.jram and ask whether they receive... parcels

>>. I want to send... parcel to... old friend. It

\v 1I1 be her birthday in... week. Perhaps you can tell

uk- where I can find... shop that sells... nice things

one can give as... presents?"

"Yes, certainly. There's... very good shop not far

i here. You can easily walk there in a few min-

Go straight down... street that you will see

•tly in... front of you when you come out of...

' office till you come to... wide street along

11... buses and... trolleybuses run. Then turn

I- -,. left again and almost immediately you will

........!,o... beautiful shop with... big windows full

• •I nil sorts of... things. I am sure you will find... presents there."

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания: for ^ life a great deal

Упражнение 73

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Until near... end of... 19th century it was the law in... England that if... man was unable to pay... debt, even... small one, he could be imprisoned. This imprisonment might very well be for... life, as it was impossible for... people in prison to work at their ordinary occupations and so make... money to repay... sum they had borrowed. If they had... friends who could bring them... materials to work with, they might work with their hands, sewing or making... boots, for instance.

... great English novelist Charles Dickens knew... great deal about the debtors' prisons from per­sonal experience, for when he was about ten, his fa­ther was imprisoned for debt, and... whole family had to go and live with him in... prison because they had nowhere else to live.... mother and... children, however, could leave... place when they wished; but at ten o'clock every evening... great gates were shut for the night, and no one could leave or enter until morning. Dickens described... life in the debtors' prisons in some of his novels. It was largely because of Dickens' sharp criticism that... English Govern­ment was finally forced to do away with... debtors* prisons.

Упражнение 74. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

At... beginning of... 19th century... little boy was born in... family of John Dickens,... clerk at... office in... Portsmouth, and was named Charles. He had... sister who was older than himself, and there were several other children in... family. When Charles was seven, he was sent to... school. He was not... strong child. He did not like to play... cricket or.. football and spent all his free time reading. In 1821... family went to... London, and little Charles left behind him... happiest years of his childhood. His father was in... money difficulties, and... fam­ily became poorer and poorer.... boy had to give up his studies. Mr. Dickens was put into... debtors' prison. Little Charles learned to know all... horrors and cruelty of... large capitalist city. He had to go to work at... blacking factory. He worked there from... morning till... night. When his father came out of prison, Charles was sent to... school for some time. Soon he got work as... clerk. Then he learned... stenography and became... reporter in Parlia--ment. In 1836 at... age of 24 Charles Dickens pub­lished his first book. It was... collection of .., sto­ries.... title of... book was "Sketches by Boz." These were followed by "Pickwick Papers" and "Oliver Twist" and many other famous novels. Charles Dick­ens is one of... greatest writers of... 19th century. His novels are now translated into most languages of... world.

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