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When it pays to complain

A dissatisfied customer who complains is just as likely to remain loyal as a completely satisfied customer. This surprising state of affairs has been observed by British Airways, which has turned the handling of complaints into something of a science. It has been calculated that about 13 per cent of customers who are completely satisfied with BA's service may not fly with the airline again. Perhaps they change jobs, found a frequent flyer programme which better suited their needs, or may be they felt it was time for a change of airline. Half of all customers who experience problems, but do not complain, do not intend to use the airline again. This contrasts with the customers who are dissatisfied but do complain – just 13 per cent of this group will defect, the identical rate of defection as the “satisfied“group. Clearly, it pays to encourage customers to complain, and to encourage complaints departments to turn themselves from “blame" to “customer retention" departments. The guide to satisfying complaints includes the following points:

- Apologize and “own" the problem. Customers do not care whose fault it was – they want someone to say sorry and champion their cause.

Do it quickly – customer satisfaction with the handling of a complaint dips after five days.

Assure customers the problem is being fixed. Complaints departments need to know their company inside out and work with front-line departments.

Do it by phone. Many departments are frightened of the emotion customers often show when things go wrong, but customers appreciate a person apology and reassurance the problem will be solved.


1. What state of affairs has been observed by British Airways?

2. Why do unsatisfied with BA's service customers fly with the airline again?

3. Why does it pay to complain?

4. What points does the guide to satisfying complaints include?

5. Why is it advised to do by phone?

6. Summarize the text.

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