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Task 15. Translate into English. Review Complex Object

  1. Якщо ви хочете, щоб я подзвонив їм, я зроблю це для вас зараз.
  2. Якщо ви хочете дешевше місце, щоб зупинитися, вам краще було б замовити номер в Долфін готелі.
  3. Якщо б ви не зробили замовлення заздалегідь, ви б залишилися без номера на ніч.
  4. Якщо б вони не створили кращу інфраструктуру заздалегідь, вони б не були господарями наступної Олімпіади.
  5. Я був би вам вдячний, як би ви змогли заповнити цю анкету перед тим як піти.

Review Complex Object

Task 16. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:

A) interrogative and negative sentences:

  1. We saw them approach the house.
  2. The safe was supposed to have been left open by negligence.
  1. She watched he boy jump into the river.
  2. We observe the weather change.

B) alternative questions:

  1. This allows a company to buy machines one at a time until they have the whole system.
  2. British Airlines had watched its American peers be savaged by new competition.
  1. I can't have you spoil all our plans.
  2. They have shown this method to have several advantages over the other.

C) tag questions:

  1. A company whose management allows the firm's assets to be squandered on every 'new' idea that comes down the road will soon be no more.
  2. I consider it immoral to discuss ahead of time new candidates.
  1. We felt the man getting angry.
  2. Mother's taking my part made me all the more eager to go on with the adventure.

D) special questions:

  1. The guide saw the customer check in. (Who, Whom, What)
  2. We heard our manager booking a sightseeing tour for our staff. (Who, Whom for, What kind of)
  1. The receptionist expects the guests come up to the front desk. (Who, What, Whom)
  2. The officer of the Security department saw the guest lose the purse.(Who, What, Whom)

Task 17. Fill in the blanks with the particle 'to' where necessary.

  1. The Jackal is known – be one of the most dangerous criminals in the world.
  2. I was expected – work overtime.
  3. She suspect claimed – have been watching TV at the time of the robbery.
  4. I remember him – giving you the letter.
  5. He saw Ann enjoyed walking in the park.
  6. We hoped him find the venue.
  7. He heard her singing in the next room.
  8. Don't let it – trouble you.
  9. I consider it immoral – discuss ahead of time new candidates.
  10. I admit the fact –be true.

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