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Features national - patriotic education of children of primary school age in the modern educational process

Patriotic education - is the realm of spiritual life which penetrates all knowing, doing, as sought that loves and hates the man who formed.


Patriotism (from the Greek. Words patris - motherland) - is resistant citizenship, pride in their country, respectful attitude to its history, its sense of continuity with the outside world, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of their country.


In most schools today patriotic education to understand how certain special measures focused on important for the nation, state goals.

Patriotic education as the introduction of the younger generation in democratic values ​​(civil) society involves the formation of his foundations of civic culture [6, 17]. Civic culture - a deep understanding of their membership in a particular state, a sense of civic dignity, responsibility and duty, the ability to strongly defend the social and national goals in difficult situations.But the more we like the idea V.A.Suhomlynskoho, who emphasized that nurture noble love for their homeland - is to prepare children for a simple, ordinary, everyday work and refer to this work as a patriotic activity as to work for the good, in the name of Ukraine.

Patriotic education - the process of purposeful, systematic, organized and systematic influence on the minds and behavior of young people to a sense of love for the motherland through the training of high civil, moral, psychological, occupational and physical qualities necessary for the implementation of intellectual and creative potential for the benefit of comprehensive development of society, providing unconditional readiness for defending the homeland.

Patriotic education is an integral part of the educational process is a systematic and purposeful activity of state bodies and public organizations forming the citizens of high patriotic consciousness, love for Ukraine, readiness to perform civil and constitutional duties.In the education Patriots Ukraine national-patriotic education based on national history and national culture.The national-patriotic education of primary school pupils performed in the teaching and learning of both leading value components by making the content of subjects, allocating proper place "co-interacting activities" as in the classroom and after school; humanisation of relations in system "teacher-student" teacher use the democratic style of communication with students; creating conditions for creative self-realization of each individual.

In the early school years is important to shape a child's ability to learn himself as a member of the family; family, children's groups; as a student, a resident of the town or village; nurture her love of home, land, street, his country, its nature, the native word, life and traditions. In elementary school social and civic competence as the key is interdisciplinary and integrated across all educational fields and directed to socialization, acquiring civic skills, adherence to social norms and rules. Patriotic education of younger students at the Ukrainian lessons through the implementation of socio-cultural content line. In particular, when studying the section "Language and Speech" students need to pay attention to the richness and sonority Ukrainian language, children grasp its beauty, love awaken to his words, the desire to learn Ukrainian.

In grades 3-4 should explain the importance of Ukrainian language independent state of independent Ukraine, the role of Ukrainian as the state language. Shaping the culture of communication, it is advisable to enrich the broadcasting younger pupils Ukrainian appeal forms and formulas of speech etiquette awaken interest in the origin of these formulas show their relationship with national traditions and customs of Ukrainian.

In the process of working out the rules of capitalization in their names should focus students' attention on the application of this rule during the recording name of our country, its capital, hometown or village, rivers, seas, mountains and other geographical names Ukraine. This valuable for patriotic education to study the texts of the origin of these names, the beauty and unique attractions Ukraine, the historical past of our country and its famous people (writers, artists, historical figures, athletes, actors, artists, etc.). Large place at the Ukrainian lessons should cover the use of small forms of folklore - riddles lichylok, myrylok, sayings and proverbs, folk signs, excerpts from fairy tales, nursery rhymes, lullabies, carols, Christmas carols, freckles, etc. callings. Realizing their educational potential, we should explain to children the richness and diversity of folk art shows the wisdom and talent of the Ukrainian people, and knowledge and careful attitude towards them will ensure the preservation of wealth for future generations. Tekstotsentrychnyy principle of Ukrainian language teaching creates opportunities to use a variety of educational texts and instructive content. Through texts (analysis of their content) should educate primary school children the love for their land and their motherland, respect for national traditions and character of the Ukrainian people, respect for people of other nationalities, their customs and traditions, proud of the famous people of Ukraine, caring attitude to values ​​and heritage of our country.

In view of the above, the essential components of the lessons of the Ukrainian language and literature readings should be educational talks, cognitive information about Ukraine, its people and events associated with them, compiling oral and written texts on patriotic themes, preparation and presentation of projects messengers patriotic content (eg, writing works of his countrymen, who glorified native land, letters of support to their peers who are in the area ATO, greeting cards defenders of the Fatherland) and others. Therefore, the main purpose of the national-patriotic education in primary school is to develop in primary school children skills free use of communicative purpose orally and in writing in Ukrainian.

Most educational role of Ukrainian folklore, including children, as well as works of fiction for children of primary school age. It is appropriate thematic lessons of the Ukrainian language: "Holy Mother Language", "Shevchenko word" and others. In mathematics lessons national-patriotic education occurs indirectly through a league mathematical problem.

On the lessons of the Russian language should be strengthened through Ukrainian study component of translated works of Ukrainian writers and poets into Russian. Teaching the subject "I am in the world" aimed at younger student socialization of the individual, his patriotic and civic education. Most educational direction called content object is to develop in students the most important for the Ukrainian people's values: patriotism, social justice, the primacy of the spiritual on the material, humanism, hard work, mutual respect; child education in their own "I" of faith in their abilities, talents, abilities; education of creative, socially active personality, able to economically treat nature, the world, things himself, other people understand the meaning of life as the highest value.

Ukraine, its state-value, develop civic sense, behavioral standards - these elements of the content is paramount that define the purpose of the program. Prominent figures, successful people patriotically designed that are able to overcome the difficulties of life and go to our goal to become a model for the development of students' own life strategies.

The program content reflects the following types of subject knowledge, which is the result of processing of acquiring civic values:

- About the world in interconnection components "I - a man," "man among men", "Man in the society", "Man and World";

- The methods of cognitive and practical activities, establishing the need to know the state language, to respect state symbols;

- Learning behaviors that meet the laws of Ukraine, taking into account the interests and needs of citizens, providing for respect and understanding between people;

- Knowledge of evaluation norms attitude to life (student recognizes the criterion patriotic deeds measurements, argues the benefits of civil actions, such as participating in volunteer activities, etc.).

In class 'Natural' educational goals associated with becoming familiar with the traditions of Ukrainian people respect for nature, love for his native land, Motherland. In class "labor training" children learn traditional folk crafts in Ukraine, learn to make paper decorations plot different regions of Ukraine, decorate products embroidery technique.

In class "Musical Art" students have the opportunity to experience the beauty of Ukrainian folk music, to understand the intonation features of Ukrainian music people feel national identity, common and different music in different nations. The main objective of the course "Visual Arts" is the formation of younger schoolboys cultural sense, fundamentals of national and civic consciousness. We offer contests of children's figurative works of "Glory Ukrainian military", "In the world there is a better country than Ukraine" and others. For efficient formation of national education of primary school pupils are: perception of the students knowledge about Ukrainian culture; use of Ethnology teacher in the classroom and in school time emotional and aesthetic background; creating situations of emotional experience teaching students to master setting national values, awareness of knowledge about national Ukrainian culture, focus on the child on the positive results of assimilation of certain national values ​​in the family and at school. Proposed practice of educational hours in the form of: meetings with volunteers combatants, workshops involving children and parents from making souvenirs for the soldiers Ukrainian army.

It is advisable to implement educational projects: "Native land where we live, zovemo Ukraine", "Me and my family", "My little homeland". Conduct thematic educational hours, discussions on the topics: "Famous Ukrainian", "Cossacks kin never" and others. Contests drawings, amulets, organize pictures and writing letters to soldiers of the ATO. The emphasis in educational work transferred to students mastering folk traditions, the essence of Ukrainian rituals, folk festivals, legends, traditions, customs and others. Since early childhood children creative thinking dominates, the most typical form of such activities: situational-playing game, role-playing game, the game-dramatization, dramatization, play, conversation, com- journey, tour, playing exercise collective creative panel, conversation, themed notebook, morning, holiday, oral magazine, group business, design album, imaginary journey, contests, games, school politeness, demonstration, story, modeling, quiz tour, an exhibition of drawings operatsiya- raid Fair, roll messages charitable action moments with art, observation hour, hour admiration, sports, Cossack entertainment, theater, puppet theater, keeping students group the chronicle, fun starts, relay, care of plants and animals.

Most deep influence on the development of patriotic feelings and aesthetic factors. These factors form the basic psychological commitment to the rights of the nation, attracted to its spiritual treasures.

Folk art is a powerful means of moral education of youth. Therefore, the use of children to explore different areas of folk art does not lose its relevance, rather the opposite has at present of particular importance. A study of people's creative heritage of the past achievements and perfect tracking of the artistic process today, is the path of knowledge from tradition to innovation. Decorative Applied Arts as part of folk art has deep ties with the historical past, transmitted from generation to generation and enriches it with new elements. In this regard, decorative work is not only the production of art products, but also a powerful means of artistic and aesthetic education of the individual.

Folk arts and applied art is an inexhaustible source of culture of the people, which has unique opportunities to influence the formation of personality and her national outlook, character, deep spirituality. With its decorative art, which is everlasting treasure moral and spiritual achievements of the people and reflects the style of various eras, regions, stores immortal rich tradition, learned the history, ideology, moral quality of our ancestors, their heroic struggle for the independence of our country, formed the foundations of cultural spiritual wealth of the Ukrainian people. Folk arts and crafts, special quality inherent represent artistic genius, eternal aspiration of the Ukrainian nation, however, universal and multi-system culture.

Decorative Applied Arts are divided into types for a particular purpose of the subject - furniture, footwear, cutlery, making the technique - embroidery, painting, knitting, the material - wood, textiles, stone (natural materials), glass, plastics, metals and their alloys (use of artificial materials). For primary school children is difficult because it is often used boards, testicular paper where children could create the desired image through various techniques. Each modern Ukrainian region has its own decorative and applied products, which have received considerable development. National traditions of Ukraine's regions and their history say about the artistic talent of craftsmen [Ukrainian culture. - K., 1994; 42 Art.]

It should almost direct artistic inclinations of the student so that it helped in organizing housing, clothing, disclose the aesthetic value of a work of decorative art of past eras and modern times. Getting students with decorative imagery, especially in the work of craftsmen, contributes to the development of their aesthetic relationship to reality. Sources decorative expressiveness of folk art masters in the ability to comprehend aesthetic nature.

Experience in the educational process shows that ethnic and cultural identity formation has great influence production of toys, articles on the subject of folk and religious holidays. Engaged in manufacturing of products, students gain knowledge of national culture, they have formed emotional and value attitude to native land, people, family and culture.

From the methodological point of view in this regard occur:

- The development of student ability to form its own view on the issue of formation and development of national culture;

- The development of creative personality motivated to experience folk traditions;

- A sense of dignity and belonging to this ethnic group.

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