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Analysis of psychological and educational literature on the national - patriotic education of primary school children

During the formation of Ukraine as a sovereign state, spiritual revival of society the problem of civil education of the younger generation is of particular relevance

Education - socially and educationally organized the formation of human personality. Society as a social association of people can function and develop only deliberate, systematic and organized work on the education of each individual. Stopping this process - a disaster for society, by which man could not rise to the level of the individual. More YA.-A. Comenius remarked that "neglect of the training is a step towards death, families, countries and the world" [11, 9]. Therefore education in terms of social development is the leading area of ​​both the individual and the human community. Because it provides a continuity of humanity in social development.

Educating students engaged in teaching and educational work in school and beyond. It is a holistic process in which organically combined approach to the content (a set of educational goals) and procedural (autonomic process of educational interaction between teacher and student, which provides the organization and functioning of educational activities and self students) party [35, 38-39]. The process is two-way (required interaction teacher and pupil), targeted (availability of specific purpose) for the multifaceted tasks and content on complex formation and disclosure of the inner world of a child by a variety of forms, methods and techniques, continuous (in education to be a vacation can not), long time (man brought life).

Today, the community and the school is a problem of individual conscious Ukrainian citizen who combines national characteristics and identity of the Ukrainian people [49, 10]. And that national education provides opportunities for knowledge of Ukrainian history, culture, traditions, customs, language, formation of national dignity as citizens of the Ukrainian state.

Priority citizen education is conditioned by both the revival of the nation. For Ukraine, which is a political state, civic education is particularly important also because it is intended to promote its catholicity, which is the core of Ukrainian national idea.

Civic education is based on the intellectual wealth of the people, their moral and ethical values, educational wisdom. To children have the people, the creators of the state, it is necessary that they during training, education in the family, school, firmly assimilated the spirituality and culture of their people deeply imbued with its national spirit, way of thinking and being. These qualities need to educate children in those means, methods, techniques, traditions, morals, which made people throughout the historical and cultural development, while seamlessly combining these tools and methods with the latest achievements of European and international cultural and educational experience.

National education is an important part of the problem of education of the person. This problem is very versatile. In its decision contributed by representatives of different sciences. Yes, many of the theory and practice of humanistic and national education of the younger generation have found in the writings consideration ME Evseveva, JA Kamensky, K. Nasser, KD Ushinskogo. In the socio-philosophical and historical terms the problem of national education, its place and role in the theory and practice of ethnic relations, was methodological and theoretical foundation and development of collective works and monographs RG Abdulatipov, FS Babeyko, LM Drobizheva, Ivan Serov, covering different theoretical and sociological aspects of the problem, consider the range on the formation of national and international awareness, beliefs and behaviors for improving methods and forms.

One of the first to theoretically justified public education was YA Comenius. In his writings he sought the life and culture of the people and its traditions of education. The basis of principles and ideals are popular pedagogical views.Ideas folk pedagogy as an important means of educating the younger generation, provided GS Frying pan. In his parables, fables, letters, he talked about education and pryrodovidpovidnist advised to apply to his word, folk art, because "proper education is the nature of the people" [13]

Ideas folk pedagogy concerned and TG Shevchenko, who knew the life and customs of Ukrainian people, and IS Nechuy-Levitsky, who reviewed the educational problem as a whole ethnic pedagogy of formation of national consciousness, spirituality: "People our songs, tales, proverbs, carols, dumas - all the Ukrainian people is inexhaustible rich treasure for training and education. And naputinnya school for life... ".

The famous Ukrainian teacher Vladimir Sukhomlinsky first (in Soviet times) appealed to civic education as the main educational problems. In 1970 he published his book "Birth citizen" serving teacher, such a system, which would affect the optimal development of civic identity. The primary condition for the formation as citizens W. Sukhomlinsky believed Civic activity of each individual.

He defined the age of childhood as especially important for the formation of the citizen and insisted that features a citizen brought many influences pedagogical nature and uncontrollable social impacts.

Elementary School serves as the foundation on which a whole system of civic education in schools, the formation of their love for their land, Ukraine, historical memory, spirituality and national character. All students in pawned period of training and education, determines the further success of the process of identity formation, its philosophy and common development. Acquired in elementary school personal qualities, as well as knowledge and skills not only provide the basis for training and education of adolescents, but also largely determine the characteristics of practical, civic and professional activities adult. Nowadays the focus of national education is provided as national education, that education in the spirit of the mentality of Ukrainian people, their desire for beauty and the pursuit of harmony.

In modern pedagogical science patriotic education is defined as historically conditioned set of ideals, attitudes, beliefs, traditions, customs and other forms of social behavior directed at the organization of life of future generations, during which absorbed the spiritual and material culture of the nation, emerging national consciousness and achieved spiritual unity generations. According to ID Behan, patriotic education also includes "extensive knowledge of constitutional and legal norms, public policy formation patriotic ideas and effective action to defend national forms of life and behavior in all spheres of public life" [5, 136].

Patriotic education based on the principles of family education, the ideas and means of folk pedagogy, research, educational thought, which represent the highest examples of educational wisdom of the Ukrainian people - the love of his native land, its people, its traditions, customs, readiness for peace and selfless work in the name 'I'm Ukraine, a sense of pride for their country, loyalty Ukraine, responsible for its own destiny.

National education is a priority for the education of children and youth in the national education system. Among the characteristic features of patriotism is determined by:

- Understanding and perception of Ukrainian ideas;

- Promoting the development of state independence;

- Mastering of national values: the Ukrainian culture, language, instilling respect for historical memory;

- Military-patriotic education and so on [9, 2].

The principle of nationality, humanity and democracy encourages primary school teacher to educate primary school children in the spirit of ideas, ideals, feelings, aspirations, morals, knowledge and thoughts, work experience, historical achievements etnopedahohichnyh principles and ideology of the Ukrainian people, nation, always listen to the voice of the people.

As a primary school teacher duty is also coverage available for younger forms topics from the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian statehood, culture, science, education, literature and art, religious education, the use of children to celebrate important dates of the history of the Ukrainian state, review of Ukrainian folk art, traditional crafts and crafts, folklore, works of forgotten and repressed writers on historical subjects, the legacy of prominent Ukrainian historian Hrushevsky, D. Doroshenko, I. Krypyakevych, D.Yavornytsky.

Primary school teacher should ensure that the education of children to always meet the interests of our people, the people's principles of humanity and democracy in the relations between pupils of school life, constantly fueled by people's healing springs. Education on the grounds of nationality - strong and vysokorezultatyvne, and without it - languid and hopeless. "If a person from childhood pryvchytsya not love his people, warned A. Dukhnovych remain averse, indifferent, neither one nor this, it means that it is given indifferentism. A indifferentism is the greatest evil in mankind, as a man "nor here nor there" is samolyubtsem it but themselves, no deals, and it is dangerous and distressed, ashamed of his people, ashamed of itself "[30, 4].

Thus, teaching children organized labor has huge opportunities for civic and patriotic education. In labor activities are great opportunities for development in children determination, perseverance, will, the highest of human emotions and the best moral qualities. However, it is clear that these features can be used in different ways, depending on how the teacher knows the educational opportunities of work and the skills required to implement them in everyday educational work.



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