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LTD “JUPITER” in Astana

Position: Design engineer

Working Responsibilities:

· Collect baseline data, the development of specifications for the design, technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing facilities;· Development of technical specifications in tenders for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing facilities;· Participation in the solution of technical issues on fixed objects throughout the design period of commissioning of the object and development of design capacity

June 2013 –August 2013

Worley Parsons” in Atyrau

Position: Designs engineer

Working Responsibilities:

· Design of structures, buildings and infrastructure, maintenance TCO facilities;· Work with local regulations, and knowledge of international standards;


High Education


1999 – 2010

Specialized School No 24

(Linguistic School Gymnasium)


2010 – 2014 - undergraduate

Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev

Faculty of Architecture and Construction


«Calculation and Design of Buildings» (red diploma)

2014 – 2016 - master degree

Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev

Faculty of Architecture and Construction


«Calculation and Design of Buildings» (red diploma)


A Certificate of completion the scientific internship programme at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia from 1-st November – 10-st November 2015


Languages and other skills


Kazakh – native

Russian – fluent

English - excellent

Turkish – beginner (by dictionary)

Proficient knowledge in Applications: Microsoft Office, ABC-4, AutoCad

Knowledge of other equipment; Xerox, Fax,, Scanner


Personal qualities


Responsible, hard- working, communicative, goal-oriented, easy to work in team



Акжамал Ауельбаева


Дата рождения: 09 февраля 1993г.

Семейное положение: замужем, казашка

Адрес: г.Атырау, Авангард 2-5-77

Дом. Телефон: -

Моб: 8-702-940-94-78

E-mail: [email protected]


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