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PLC “Kazmunaigaz Service NS” in Astana

Akzhamal Auelbayeva


Date of birth: 09 February 1993

Marital status: married, Kazakh

Address: Atyrau, Avangard 2-5-77

Tel (home): -

Mobile: 8-702-940-94-78

E-mail: [email protected]


  • I wish to place my experience at the disposal of your Company. I believe strongly that my knowledge could be quite beneficial.



May 2016 – till present

PLC “Kazmunaigaz Service NS” in Astana

Position: Project engineer:

Working Responsibilities:

· Control of the full compliance of design and estimate documentation produced by construction and installation works, technical supervision of construction, reconstruction and overhaul facilities;· Monitoring of compliance with the requirements of contractors of projects of construction organization (PIC), the quality of construction and installation works, installation of technological and other types of equipment, compliance with fire safety regulations and hazardous locations of objects;· Conformity assessment of the rate of production of works approved work schedule, running configuration objects of material resources and technical facilities, the availability of qualified labor;· Acceptance on behalf of the management of the Company and the Directorate 's participation in the work of commissioning of new and reconstructed objects;· Implementation of plans for capital and current repairs, regulations, decisions and orders on the technical and construction activities;· Preparation of information on technical issues;· Participation in the examination of technical condition of buildings, equipment, machinery, tools, means of collective and individual protection of workers, the state sanitary devices, ventilation systems work on the compliance of labor protection;· Compliance with and enforcement of the requirements of the Company's management and the Directorate, documented procedures, and other documents;

June 2015 – May 2016

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