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Discuss the following questions

1. Curriculum vitae

2. to persuade a potential employer that you have the right skills, experience, education and personality for the job.

3. A successful CV is the product of careful thought and planning. It needs to stand out from potentially hundreds of competing applicants. In order to do this a CV must be planned and written specifically for the job you are applying for, clearly expressing how you meet the requirements for the job. A successful CV must be concise, honest and error-free.

4. There is to the number of sections in a CV, although all CVs should cover professional experience, educational qualifications and skills. The only rule to remember is that the sections within your CV should all be strictly relevant to the position you are applying for.

5. There is no correct way to structure your CV, although the two most common approaches are the conventional chronological CV and the skills-based CV.


A) Listening

1. Conventional chronological CV and skills-based CV.

2.A chronological CV lists your academic achievements and work experience in chronological order.

A skills-based CV lists your key transferable skills relevant to the job and provides evidence of these skills.


B) Listen again and complete the following CV structures

1. Your name 9. Your name

2.Contact 10. Contact details

3. Personal statement 11. Personal statement

4. Education 12. skills

5. Work experience 13. Work experience

6. interests 14. Education

7. skills 15. Interests

8. References 16. Referees


2c) Which approach has she followed for each version?

The first CV on page is a chronological CV.

The second CV on page is a skills-based CV.


D) Complete the following CV

1. Worked 6. Organised (Coordinated)

2. Developed 7. Held

3.Persuaded 8. Researched

4. Represented 9. Achieved

5. Completed 10. Coordinated (organized)


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