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Read the advertisements and choose a course. Think of two or three questions you would like to ask

Thai Cookery courses in Chiang Mai



Tennis courses in France
One- or two-week courses in different parts of the country. Professional tennis coaches. All levels, beginners to advanced. Small groups or private lessons. For more information e-mail us at [email protected]  


Write a formal e-mail for information. Write two paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 Explain why you are writing and give some personal information.

Paragraph 2 Ask your questions, and ask them to send you information.

Check your e-mail for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling)





Working words

Correct collocations. There is one mistake in each sentence (though “one mistake” can involve several words, requiring a correction using one word).

(17 marks)

1. If you want to do my kind of job, you have to make a lot of exams.

2. I followed courses in economics at university.

3. He made community service before he went to college.

4. She was good in maths at school and became an economist.

5. I left my last work because I got a better one.

6. I visited university in my home town.

7. My brother did a course of French last summer.

8. My mother works being a nurse.

9. I work about marketing.

10. She succeeded all her exams.

11. When I was a child, I wanted to be police officer.

12. She won a degree in art history.

13. He’s recently applied at a local college.

14. We went to an excellent talk in architecture.

15. He’s never really been interested for languages.

16. I went away from school when I was sixteen.

17. My best friend has recently got a work in the IT industry.



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