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Контрольная работа № 3. a) I think, organizations influence our behavior in everyday life



a) I think, organizations influence our behavior in everyday life.

b) I hope, they will improve health care in the nearest future.

c) At this last lecture he illustrated the importance of organizations.

d) Many people realize the influence organizations make on their behavior

e) Organizations provide goods and services and accomplish things that individuals cannot.




a) What do they think about organizations?

b) How often do you come into contact with organizations?

c) When was IBM opening a plant?

d) Who wrote his book?

e) We do you spend sizable amounts of time?



a) One of the most irritating influences on individual performance is an organization’s reward system.

b) That organization was even more powerful than expected.

c) During the WWII the company lost much more business premises and construction machinery than its competitors.

d) Digital Communications is the youngest company of the group.

e) Nowadays the group’s position is much stronger than ten years ago.

f) Most of us spend their lives in the settings provided by organizations.

g) I’d like to examine organizations in a systematic manner.

h) Understanding the behavior of people is one of the most important aspects of management.




a.) He said that he was tired after the talks.

b.) The wife inquired why couldn’t we take a taxi.

c.) Sam informed that he saw James yesterday.

d.) The expert told it would be difficult to obtain the results.

e.) The scientists said not to touch this device.

f.) He asked when you would be back?

g.) He insisted on coming at once.




a) Наверно, он уже прибыл.

b) Должно быть, ты неправильно понял условия сделки

c) Должно быть, вы и есть тот, кого я жду.

d) Должно быть, вы меня с кем-то путаете.

e) Возможна задержка рейса.

f) Я не могу пояснить это прямо сейчас.

g) Я попросила его объяснить свое поведение, но он не желает со мной говорить.


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