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Контрольная работа № 2

Контрольная работа № 1


I Answer the questions


1. I’m very interested in watching biathlon.

2.Yes i do. I often meet my friends and we talk about news.

3.In the office I usually do my job as most of people do. I calculate income and total expenditure during the period of time (during the month for example) and make a report for the CEO.

4. I live in Saint-Petersburg with my husband and son. We have our own flat on the second floor. There are 2 rooms in our flat. They are bed room and living-room.


II Translate from Russian into English


1. Our firm receive a request for chemical equipment

2. Prices for this goods are too high. Could you make a 5 % discount for us?

3. It’s hard for me to discuss business matter on the phone.

4. This new model of PC is in demand on the market.

5. Can I see the photo?

6. Would you like a cup of tea?

7. My friend can swim. (My friend is able to swim)


III Insert correct forms of the verbs.


1. Usually I get up early in the morning.

2. We have had breakfast already.

3. I have never seen him before,

4. What are you doing?- I’m eating a tasty cake. Take a piece please.


IV. Insert articles


1. The equipment of Blake and Co is very good.

2. Where are the newspapers? – They are on the desk.

3. It is a plant of chemical equipment. The plant is outside Moscow. It is very large plant.

4. It is a fine day. We decide to go for a walk.



Контрольная работа № 2


1. Buyers interested in purchasing 20 new cars from your firm.

2. Our cars have high quality and accord with customer’s interests.

3. During yesterday negotiations we discussed terms of payment. The form of payment was letter of credit against shipping documents after N.O.R.

4. We were glad with conditions of supply and we signed the contract on beneficial terms.


II Ask 4 questions for each sentence.


1. What language does she speak?

What does she want?

What kind of books does she want to read?

Does her language fluent?

2. What did your friends visit?

Did they like the film?

Who saw a very interesting film?

They saw a film or a cartoon?


III Put the correct form of the verbs.


1. Last month we were interested in chemical equipment

2. Every day he look through press with great interest

3. Our company delivered the large lot of goods last month

4. The manager of the company singing the contract now.

5. We were satisfied with the last talks and decided to establish good business relations with the company.


IV Write a situation on a business topic.

1. The United Kingdom general election of 2010 was held on Thursday 6 May 2010 to elect members to the House of Commons. 2. The election took place in 650 constituencies across the United Kingdom. 3. None of the parties achieved the 326 seats needed for an overall majority. 4. The Conservative Party, led by David Cameron, won the largest number of votes and seats. 5. This resulted in a hung parliament where no party was able to command a majority in the House of Commons. 6. This was only the second general election since World War II to return a hung parliament, the first being the February 1974 election.



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