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Transitional Words and Phrases

Use a comma after parenthetical expressions: AFTER ALL, AS A MATTER OF FACT, BY THE WAY, FOR EXAMPLE, I BELIEVE, HOWEVER, CONSEQUENTLY, etc.


As a matter of fact, I was just going to call you.

Note: When a transitional word or phrase interrupts a clause, it is set off by a pair of commas.

Gillian, by the way, is my half-sister.


Alternative or Contrasting Phrases

A phrase that expresses an alternative or a contrast is usually set off by commas.


It was a special, even magical, evening.

This medication should be taken after a meal, never on an empty stomach.

It was Diana Ivanovna, not Vladimir Mikhailovich, who asked the final question.


Absolute Phrases

An absolute phrase, which usually consists of a noun plus a participle, is always set off by commas from the sentence it modifies.


His fear increasing, he waited to enter the haunted house.

The Roanoke colonists vanished in 1591, their bodies never recovered.


Other Non-Essential Elements

Use a comma after words such as WELL, WHY, YES, NO, etc., when they begin a sentence.


Well, I will think it over.

Yes, I can join you tomorrow.

Use commas to set off direct addresses and names.


A few weeks ago, Mr. Taplow, I spoke to you on the telephone about the possibility of a summer job.

Helen, did you hear what I said?

Doctor, what is your opinion?

I wonder, Mr. Honeywell, whether Mr.Albright deserves a raise.



Use commas where they are necessary.

1. Basically there is no problem with your work but you are late for class too often.

2. I know Raymond that you can do better.

3. What is your chief complaint gentlemen?

4. Tuesday’s test was difficult in fact I think I failed.

5. First of all my room is very small.

6. I can’t afford buying the textbook for class anyway the teacher said it is not required.

7. It is in my opinion an interesting book.

8. That’s of course only one opinion.

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