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Use commas as necessary after the introductory elements in each of the following sentences

1. Having listened to his story the judge nodded and then dismissed the case.

2. When my breast began to swell with horrifying rapidity I searched the sewing machine drawers for clothes and ribbons to tie around them, to stop them. (Kate Simon)

3. With so many trees in the city you could see spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. (Ernest Hemingway)

4. In my senior year in theological seminary I engaged in the exciting reading of various theological theories. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

5. Like so much of this country Banyan suggests something curious and unnatural. (Joan Didion)

Introductory Transitional Words and Phrases

When a transitional word or phrase begins a sentence, it is usually set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma. Among those are transitional expressions of chronology, such as FINALLY, FIRST, FIRST OF ALL, LAST OF ALL, NEXT, SECOND, etc.; modal transitional phrases such as CERTAINLY, IN OTHER WORDS, THEREFORE, etc.

Then I listen to the morning news or read the newspaper. Finally, I leave for school.

Certainly, any plan that is enacted must be fair.

In other words, we cannot act hastily.

Setting Off Non-Essential Material

Sometimes certain modifying words, phrases, or clauses, although they may contribute to the meaning of the sentence, are not essential to its meaning. That is, deleting the material would not substantially change the sentence’s meaning or emphasis. Commas should set off such non-essential material.

Non-essential The President, knowing the need for drastic action, declared the entire state a disaster.
Essential Anyone knowing the condition of the region will approve the President’s action.


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