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Read the text. Museums come in different categories: there are treasure houses of world importance and small provincial museums on the other

Museums come in different categories: there are treasure houses of world importance and small provincial museums on the other.

Every second summer, Monaco hosts a true festival of all the arts. Since 1975, Monaco has held a biennial antiques fair, which attracts all the most expensive art of private collections. Everything on sale here has to pass a tough selection procedure, and this turns the fair into a parade of top-quality world art.

The Monaco Antiques Fair is the brainchild of three towering figures from the European antiques world — Mario Bellini, Jacques Perrin, and Maurice Segoura. They based the event on a very clear concept: a limited number of participants and objects of truly exceptional quality.

Visitors have the opportunity to feast their eyes on canvases in gilded frames; graphic art by French, Italian, and Flemish masters; contemporary painting; and a great quantity of furniture, pieces of applied art, old gobelins, carpets, and some lavish sculptures.

The antiques dealers display their treasures in the Sporting d'Hiver, building in the Art Deco style. The fair is visited by up to 20,000 antiques aficionados.


treasure house – сокровищница

biennial – повторяющийся каждые два года

antiques fair – ярмарка антиквариата

to turn into – превращать

brainchild – замысел, изобретение, идея

towering – возвышающийся

to feast one’s eyes on – испытывать наслаждение от, радоваться от

lavish – чрезмерный, богатый

aficionado – приверженец, ревностный поклонник


2. True or false?

1) The antiques fair is held in a European museum by Monaco.

2) The organizers of the festival pick out the objects for the fair very strictly.

3) At the fair one can find antiques of high quality only.

4) The idea of this fair is the following: the more participators, the better.

5) The next festival of antiques will be in two years.


3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

мирового значения, принимать (гостей), частный, высокое качество, идея (x2), полотно, большое количество, прикладное искусство


4. Find the synonyms in the text:

to hold a celebration, two-year, to captivate (to fascinate), high-priced, personal, strict, outstanding, modern (present day), to show, fans.

5. Answer the questions to the text:

1) When did the tradition of this biennial antique fair start?

2) Can any antiques collection be displayed at the fair in Monaco?

3) What is the main concept of the festival?

4) What pieces of antiques can visitors see at the fair?


6. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Ярмарка антиквариата в Монако привлекает многих посетителей.

2) На ярмарке представлены предметы антиквариата высокого качества.

3) Антиквариат на ярмарке в Монако известен своим действительно исключительным качеством.

4) Ревностные поклонники антиквариата испытывают наслаждение от полотен в позолоченных рамках, старинных гобеленов, богатой скульптуры.

5) Здание, где проводится ярмарка, спроектирован в стиле арт деко.


7. Make up a dialogue “An interview with the organizers of the antiques fair in Monaco”.


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