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Read the text. What colors are the rooms in your house painted?

What colors are the rooms in your house painted? Would it surprise you to learn that the colors around you can affect how you feel? Well, it’s true, color can drastically affect your mood. So it makes sense to surround yourself with colors you like and ones that will put you into a positive frame of mind.

Red, for example, is a strong color, so too much of it in a room can be overwhelming. But, in small amounts, red is energizing and can make us feel active and excited. Red is best used outside or in a room where we spend a short amount of time each day.

Orange can make us feel enthusiastic and talkative. Extroverts usually prefer this color because it makes them feel adventurous. Orange stimulates our appetites too, so it would be perfect for the kitchen or dining room.

Yellow is an uplifting color and can make us feel cheerful and happy. However, it is a color that should be used sparingly because too much can make us feel impatient.

Blue is the color that is most universally preferred, and blue rooms instil peacefulness so it is a good choice for studies or doctors’ waiting rooms. Blue can also help us feel calm and confident, but it suppresses our appetites so it’s only a good choice for the kitchen if you are on a diet.

Green is often used in hospitals because of its soothing properties. It has the power to make us feel relaxed and refreshed. Therefore, don’t paint a work area green because you won’t get much work done. Green is a good choice for bedrooms.

White is often used in doctors’ offices because it gives us an impression of cleanliness. However, it does nothing to relax us – we just feel cautious and nervous. It can also make us feel isolated and withdrawn.

Therefore, we should think carefully about our color schemes when the time comes to redecorate because different colors can affect how we feel in a number of ways. That said, though, we should rely on our taste and surround ourselves with the colors we like and feel comfortable with. Use your favourite colors to create a color scheme you know you can live with.

drastically – круто, резко

a positive frame of mind – положительный настрой

overwhelming - подавляющий

sparingly – скупо, нечасто

impatient - нетерпеливый

to instil – внушать, вселять

confident - уверенный

to suppress - подавлять

soothing - успокаивающий

property - свойство

cautious - осторожный

isolated - изолированный

withdrawn – сдержанный, замкнутый

to rely on – полагаться, рассчитывать


2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

слишком много, разговорчивый, смелый (авантюрный), бодрый (веселый), всемирно предпочитаемый, внушать спокойствие, хороший выбор, подавлять аппетит, чувствовать себя отдохнувшим и посвежевшим, рабочая зона, впечатление чистоты, сочетание цветов, полагаться на собственный вкус, любимый цвет.


3. True or false:

1. Red color always makes us feel active and excited.

2. Orange can make us feel talkative.

3. Yellow is a color that can improve our mood.

4. Blue is the best choice for the kitchen.

5. Blue is the most universally preferred color.

6. Green would be perfect for a work area.

7. White helps to relax.

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