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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Make up your own sentences with these nouns


1. Match the translation:

1) design a) создание. творение

2) decoration b) украшение, орнамент

3) décor c) рисунок, сделанный ручкой, карандашом или мелком

4) drawing d) стиль, манера

5) painting e) чертеж, набросок

6) sketch f) убранство, украшение дома

7) creation g) живопись, картина

8) ornament h) замысел, план; дизайн

9) style i) эскиз

10) architecture j) проектирование интерьеров помещений; оформление

11) delineation k) архитектура


2. Match the nouns with their definitions:

1) architecture a) something brought into existence

2) decoration b) a quick rough drawing

3) décor c) the style in which a building is designed and built

4) drawing d) the way in which something is done

5) painting e) a picture produced by using paint

6) sketch f) an addition that makes something more attractive

7) creation g) a picture or plan made by means of lines on a surface

8) style h) a style of interior decoration and furnishings in a room or house.


3. Fill in the gaps with the following nouns: sketches, paintings, drawings, architecture, design, style, décor, decoration, creation.

1) In St. Petersburg tourists always admire the classical style of ….

2) The success of this car shows the importance of good … in helping to sell product.

3) It’s very pleasant to make Christmas … of your apartments.

4) It’s a good restaurant but I don’t like the … there.

5) The experts presented the paintings in the … of Picasso.

6) The artist made a few … of the landscape.

7) The teacher showed us Rembrandt’s … for his paintings.

8) The … of this writer produced a great impression on the public.

9) I’ve always admired Monet’s early ….

Make up your own sentences with the nouns from ex.1.



1. Match the adjectives with their synonyms:

1) architectonic a) ornamental

2) creative b) fashionable, smart

3) stylish c) constructive

4) decorative d) tasteful, aesthetic

5) artistic e) imaginative, ingenious

6) decorated f) embellished

2. Fill in the gaps with the following adjectives: creative, inventive, constructive, decorated, decorative, ornamental, stylish. In some of the sentences two variants are possible.

1) This … interior designer realizes interesting ideas in his design projects.

2) The … streets looked wonderfully and everybody felt New Years’ Day was coming.

3) They were not able to accept his … criticism towards their architectural plans.

4) The last collection of that … fashion designer left an unforgettable impression with the public.

5) The young man is considered to be a very … musician.

6) My mother is fond of … art very much.

7) His … designs for the new college building impressed the customers greatly.

8) The photograph of her grandparents in a(n) … frame stood on the dressing table.

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