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Доступные курсы Hokkaido University Summer Institute


1. Adaptive/Intelligent and Soft Computing Modelling and Control

2. Advanced Course in Practical Science for Environment

3. Advanced Seminar in Applied Veterinary Medicine: Wildlife Medicine

4. Agriculture, Education and Health in Sustainable Development - Advanced

5. Agriculture, Education and Health in Sustainable Development - Introduction

6. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

7. Conflicts, Interaction and Sustainability in East Asia

8. Contemporary Philosophy : Dynamic Epistemic Logic and its Applications

9. Control of Mechatronic Systems

10. Cultural Psychology, Frontiers in Cultural Psychology 2016

11. Cultural Tourism and Museology

12. Department of Cosmosciences Special Lecture I (Exploration of Requirement for Remote-sensing in Asia)

13. Department of Cosmosciences special lecture I (Practice of optical remote-sensing)

14. Field Work Training I for PARE (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments Chain)

15. Functional Cellular Science(Molecular Cell Dynamic Science I and II)

16. Gene Designing

17. General Plant Breeding Science

18. Introduction to Brain Science VI: The Foundations of Cognitive Sciences

19. Introduction to Global Environmental Management

20. Introduction to Japanese Law

21. Introduction to PARE I (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments Chain)

22. Introduction to PARE II (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments Chain)

23. Introduction to PARE IV (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments Chain)

24. Invitation to Border Studies I: Theory and Practice

25. Invitation to Border Studies II: Practice and Application

26. Laboratory Work in Environmental Materials Transformation 1

27. Laboratory Work in Environmental Materials Transformation 2

28. Law and Politics of Human Rights in Global Culture

29. Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering I (The Biology of Tumor Suppression)

30. Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering II (Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications)

31. Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering III (Epigenetics: from genes to individual organisms)

32. Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering I (Organometallic Chemistry of Oxophilic Metals and Their Application to Polymerization Catalysis)

33. Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering II (Exploring the materials properties from the molecular details)

34. Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering III (Solid State and Surface/Interface Nano Chemistry)

35. Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering I (Development of New Organic Reactions for Chemical Biology)

36. Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering II (Step Polymerization: Controlled Synthesis of Functional Polymers)

37. Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering III (Organic Chemistry for Advanced Molecular Structures)

38. Life science special lecture III (Advanced Light Microscope in Life Science Research)

39. Life science special lecture III (Practical bioimaging workshop for international life science)

40. Logic: Introduction to Logic

41. Mobile Robots and SLAM Problem

42. Oral Physiology

43. Patent Enforcement in the United States, Germany and Japan

44. Phenomenology of Reason: Dialogue with Japanese Philosophy

45. Regional Economy and Business

46. Regional Policy for Destination Management

47. Research Ethics

48. Resources Oriented Sanitation: Trans-Disciplinary approach

49. Satellite Views of the Arctic

50. Seminar I for PARE (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments Chain)

51. Seminar in History and Anthropology. History of U.S. Social Movements for Peace, Freedom and Justice

52. Seminar in History and Anthropology. Pacific Music Festival 2016: Art, Politics, and Economy

53. Service Design Workshop with Lapland University

54. Special Course for Field Science I

55. Special Course for Field Science II

56. Special Lecture II (Training Course for Behavioral Pharmacology)

57. Special Lecture II (Training Course for Drug Delivery System)

58. Special Lecture in Chemical Conversion of Unused Resources to Value-added Products

59. Special Lecture in Chemical Transformation for Degradation of Environmental Pollutants

60. Special Lecture on Drug Discovery Science I (Bio Camp)

61. Special Lecture on Drug Discovery Science (Life innovation seminar)

62. Special Lectures in Bio-macromolecular Science (Advanced Light Microscope in Life Science Research)

63. Special lecture of state-of-art drug development

64. Special lecture of the basics of biomedicine

65. Subjects on Fundamental Veterinary Science Advanced Wildlife and Conservation Medicine

66. Temporomandibular Disorders

67. The Conflict between IP and Competition Law and Its Reconciliation

68. The Lecture of Exploring the Arguments on Multi-culturalism and Coexistence: opening session and lecture 1-3

69. The Seminar of Exploring the Arguments on Multi-culturalism and Coexistence: seminar 1-3 & conclusive session.

70. Tourism Creation and Multicultural Symbiosis

71. Who builds the world and how it should be -Sustainable construction technology with concrete-



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