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Unsolicited letter

Notice in this letter how the applicant first mentions how he knows of the company, then gives brief details of his age, education, and experience, then refers to his Director who approves of staff spending time abroad. Finally, he tells the bank why he wants to join them for a temporary stay in the UK, and asks for an application form. Of course, he could also include a c.v. with the letter, but knows the practice of this firm is to send application forms.

Ftirstenweg 110

The Manager D-3000 Hannover 71

Mitchell Hill PLC

Merchant Bank 21 June 200-

11-15 Montague Street

London EC 15DN

Dear Mr Curtis,

I am writing to you on the recommendation of David McLean, Assistant Manager in your securities department.

A year ago Mr McLean was on a banking course here with me in Hannover, and he suggested that I should contact your company and mention his name. He told me that you often employ people from other countries on a one-year basis, if they have had banking experience.

I am a 28 year-old employee of the International Bank in Hannover, working in the Overseas Securities Department, and have been with this organization for the past two years, since graduating from the University of Munich in 19- with a degree in Economics.

As well as speaking fluent English, I also have a very good working knowledge of French.

In my present position as Assistant to the Director of the International Securities Department, I deal with a wide range of investments from companies throughout Europe, buying shares and bonds for them on a worldwide basis.

My bank encourages all its staff to spend a year abroad for the experience of working with different systems, and my Director would be willing to give you a reference.

I would like to spend a year or so in the UK to gain experience in securities investment with a British bank, and in exchange, I think my experience and languages would prove useful to your organization.

If you think it would be possible to offer me a position, please send me an application form where I will be able to give you more specific details about myself.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours sincerely,

Marcus Bauer

Marcus Bauer


1. How did Mr Bauer hear about the bank he is applying to?

2. What does he do in the bank where he now works?

3. What are his qualifications?

4. Why does his bank encourage people to go on overseas courses?

5. What does he want the UK bank to send him?

6. Which words in the letter correspond to the following: suggestion, getting a qualification, various methods of doing things, particular?

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