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References salutation introductory paragraph

concluding paragraph recipient's address (sender's) address

(typed) signature complimentary ending

enclosures (abbreviation) position/title signature

1. WIDGETRY LTD 6 Pine Estate, Westhomet, Bedfordshire, UB18 22BC.
2. Telephone 9017 23456 Telex X238WID Fax 9017 67893
3. Michael Scott, Sales Manager, Smith and Brown plc, Napier House, North Molton Street, Oxbridge OB84 9TD.
4. Your ref. MS/WID/15/88 Our ref. ST/MN/10/88
5. 31 January 200—
6. Dear Mr Scott,
7. Thank you for your letter of 20 January, explaining that the super widgets, catalogue reference X-3908, are no longer available but that ST-1432, made to the same specifications but using a slightly different alloy, are now available instead.
8. Before I place a firm order I should like to see samples of the new super widgets. If the replacement is as good as you say it is, I shall certainly wish to reinstate the original order, but placing an order for the new items. Apart from anything else, I should prefer to continue to deal with Smith and Brown, whose service has always been satisfactory in the past. But you will understand that I must safeguard Widgetry's interests and make sure that the quality is good.
9. I would, therefore, be grateful if you could let me have a sample as soon as possible.
10. Yours sincerely,
11. Simon Thomas
12. Simon Thomas
13. Production Manager
14. enc.

Ex.0.3 Business letters 2. This second letter has been revised so many times by Mr Thomas that it has become all mixed up, and his word processor has failed to reorganise it. Arrange the letter so that everything is in the right place.

2. Simon Thomas
3. 6 Pine Estate, Westhornet, Bedfordshire, UB18 22BC Telephone 9017 23456 Telex X238WID Fax 9017 67893
4. I look forward to hearing from you.
5. Your ref. MS/WD/22/88 Our ref.JB/MS/48/88
6. Yours sincerely,
7. James Bowers, Sales Manager, Electroscan Ltd, Orchard Road Estate, Oxbridge UB8410SF.
8. Production Manager
9. Thank you for your letter. I am afraid that we have a problem with your order.
10. 6 June 200--
11. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of the part you wish to order have advised us that they cannot supply it until September. Would you prefer us to supply a substitute, or would you rather wait until the original parts are again available?
12. Dear Mr Bowers


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