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Passing a milestone schedule control

            *             **  


*1- The first boundary line of control, **- 2 – Second boundary line of control


7.3 Written (oral) exams are also assessed on a 100-point scale (100%) scale according to ballroom-lettered rating system (the first table).

7.4 Boundary line of control on a test form consists of 20 questions. Evaluation indicators Rubezhnaya control testing are given in Table 3.

7.5 The final control on a test form consists of 50 questions. Indicators for assessment of final control testing are given in Table 4.

7.6 At the end of each boundary line of control is determined by rating the student learning outcomes for this period (according to the first score and the second score). Ranking of the period defined as the sum of estimates of the current and many foreign controls, received tutoring. To monitor given the share ratio 0.7, a milestone for the control factor 0.3 specific gravity. Score rating is calculated from the following form:


here: R1 - 1 rating, t1 - 1-current control, r1 - 1 boundary line control,
R2 - 2 rating, t2 -2 - Monitoring, r2 - 2 - a landmark control.

The scale of the current assessment of students' knowledge

Type of job Share Each completed task is evaluated from 0 to 100 points (percent) Arimeticheskaya average amount. t1-1 st current control (%) Each completed task is evaluated from 0 to 100 points (percent) Arimeticheskaya average amount t2-2 - the first current control (%)
week week week week   week week week week week Week 11 week 12 week week 14 week 15 week
І Classroom work of them 0,60            
  Attendance 0,15                                      
  Labs 0,3                                      
  Activity in the classroom 0,15                                      
ІІ IWS, of them 0,40            
  Presentation 0,2                                      
  report 0,2                                      
  Current control                                        

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