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Kyzylorda 2015



«APPROVED» Chairman of committee of curriculum and programs _________________M.Zh. Doszhanov «_______» 2015ж.


The working training program on the subject «Bases of economic theory»


For the students of specialty 5В011200- Chemistry, 5В011300-Biology


Kyzylorda 2015

The working training program developed on the basics of standard program approved by the Kazakh Economic University by T.Ryskulov


The working training program prepared senior teacher V.V.Kim


The working training program ( Sуllabus) considered on the meeting of department “Economic theory and state management”


Protocol № ____ “______” _____________ 2015



Head of the department _________________ c.e.s. K.N. Beketova


The working training program examined and approved on the meeting of Committee of the curriculum and programs


Protocol № ____ “______” _____________ 2015



Chairman of the Committee ___________________ d.e.s., professor M.Zh. Doszhanov


1. The basic information
Faculty faculty of natural science and agrarian technologies
Specialty 5В011200- Chemistry, 5В011300-Biology  
Course and semester Course 2, semester 3
Status of the discipline obligatory
The number of credits  
Teacher V.V.Kim, sn.teacher
Practical teacher V.V.Kim
2. Prerequisites and post requisites
Prerequisites -
Post requisites -
3. The purpose aims of the dicsipline
Specifically, the discipline aims to develop in candidates: an understanding of fundamental economic principles, theories and concepts, and of the methods of analysis used by an economist; the ability to use the tools of economic reasoning to explain, analyze and resolve economic issues, and evaluate policy decisions; the habit of reading critically, from a variety of sources, to gain information about the changing economic activities and policies at the national and international levels; the ability to use evidence in making rational arguments in economic context and understand the roles of various economic agents.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate understanding of the main concepts, principles and theories employed within the field of economics; methods of analysis in economics

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